The Lord is King forever and ever.... - Psalm 10:16

The Lord is King forever and ever.... - Psalm 10:16

The Lord is King forever and ever.... - Psalm 10:16

The Lord is King forever and ever.... - Psalm 10:16

The Lord is King forever and ever....
- Psalm 10:16

Does the world have you feeling like you are living upside down?  Does it seem like the foundations are crumbling in 21st Century America? Do we even know what it means to be a father or a mother or son or daughter anymore?  At Sovereign King Church, we are united in the confession that Jesus Christ is king. He is the answer to setting the world upright again.

Come join us for a reverent and joy-filled worship of Jesus, the Sovereign King, on Sundays 10:30 AM at 332 E Chestnut St, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 and discover the truth to construct your life on and a family who will stand with you. 

  • Confessing

    Romans 10:9 - that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your 
    heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 

    To be a Christian is to acknowledge that there is a new King to whom you pledge allegiance. In bible times, confessing Jesus as Lord was considered a treasonous act because it went against the claims of pagan rulers and their false gods. We who dare to proclaim our faith in Christ may face persecution and opposition from a hostile world. Yet, we've got the hope of eternal life and the unshakeable knowledge that Jesus is building His church, and nothing can stop it. It is even more dangerous, however, for those who do not confess Christ because Jesus is the Sovereign King. Those who refuse to obey him and set themselves as rulers over their own lives will answer to Him. At Sovereign King Church, we stand together in our love for and faith in Jesus, confessing that He is the one true King.

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Confessing. Proclaiming. Constructing.