Far Above Rubies

This is home to the women's ministry blog where you will find helpful articles to encourage and equip you in your walk as a daughter of God.  The women of Sovereign King Church use their God-given femininity to honor the Lord Jesus Christ in every area of life. They are helpers, life givers, nurturers, and homemakers who live by faith. They adorn themselves with a  gentle and quiet spirit that the Lord finds precious and teach the younger women of the church to do the same.
Summertime Madness
June 7th, 2024
Summer is a great time to do what you don’t have time for during the school year, but it certainly comes with challenges. Pray continually about it, and make sure you’re getting guidance from your husband (or parents) and trusted Christian friends no matter your level of confidence about what you’re doing with your time....
Who Am I trying to Impress Anyways
May 22nd, 2024
The effort we put into outward appearance reveals our attitudes toward our duties. If you spend hours doing your hair and make-up on Sunday morning but can’t be bothered when you’re at home with your family, you may need to adjust your attitude toward the duties to which God has called you. The way you present yourself in the home matters. Do not let the unbelieving feminists of this world be the ...
Daydream Believer
April 16th, 2024
om has worked hard all week, not only on the house but also on filling her eight young vessels with knowledge beyond their years. They all are intimately aware of God’s blessing and fullness. Not only can they recite the scriptures forward and backward, but their every action is in perfect accordance. “Oh, what an accomplishment,” she thinks as she basks in all the goodness of the moment. Peaceful...
Good Kids aren't the result of Luck
March 27th, 2024
Good children are not the result of luck but they are the result of God's grace as we live out our faith in obedience. Teach them obedience, discipline them, pray for them, and constantly share with them the truth of God's grace....
Pausing Postpartum
November 16th, 2023
In the early Christian Church, a new mother practiced a 'lying in' period, staying home for up to six weeks while the church community cared for her. She was exempt from attending church services and taking communion while her body healed. She wouldn’t even be present at her baby’s baptism. When she was able to return to church services, a special “churching” ritual would be done to bless the new ...
A Student Not Above His Teacher A Child Not Above His Mom
September 5th, 2023
How can we expect to drive the foolishness out of our children’s hearts if we still allow it to remain bound up in our own hearts? We can’t properly discipline them unless we discipline ourselves....
The Dishes are Piling Up
August 15th, 2023
Imagine one day you ate a meal and didn’t wash the dishes. Then you went a couple more days and did the same thing. You were tired, and the pile of dishes was starting to cause you anxiety. It wasn’t a big deal, though, until all of a sudden you were out of dishes. So in the interest of caring for yourself you went out and bought more dishes. ...
Stewarding Your Talents, Part 1
July 11th, 2023
As we consider our talents, let’s consider where we got them. They’re called “gifts” for a reason; we didn’t do anything to deserve them. God gave them to us because it pleased Him, and He means us to glorify Him with them....
When your Husband Doesn't Listen To You
April 19th, 2023
“I’ve tried to tell him, but he won’t listen to me.” How many times have we heard each other say something like this about our husbands? Sometimes it’s a flippant comment, and sometimes it’s a desperate plea for help, but regardless of the circumstances, it’s a source of frustration. What should we do about it? ...
Get It Together!
March 30th, 2023
Most of us feel like there are areas of homemaking where we just need to “get it together.” Sometimes life feels chaotic, and we need routines and habits to keep those times to a minimum as far as it depends on us. Maybe you’ve tried methods that just haven’t worked for you. Maybe you’ve tried things that might have worked if you’d started doing them regularly, but you didn’t do them long enough t...
How to Ask (and Answer) Questions
March 15th, 2023
Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored. Titus 2: 3-5We, women,  often have a lot of ques...
Book Recommendations for Spiritual Growth
July 20th, 2022
If you want to read more but aren’t sure where to turn next, or if you read a lot and are looking for ideas of where to go next, here is a list of books for you....
Excuses and Past Hurts
July 15th, 2022
We don’t all verbalize our excuses. We don’t all outwardly blame others or play victim to our circumstances or constantly say, “It’s just so hard.” Some of us find other pressing matters to attend to. We keep ourselves busy with things we “need” to do and neglect other things that are actually more important but that our pride or laziness doesn’t want us to deal with. And I’m sure there are some o...
Take Care of Your Health
July 12th, 2022
Many of us tend to neglect our physical and mental/emotional health. Either we’re busy and don’t make it a priority, we’re lazy and don’t don’t want to think of why it should be a priority, or we think it shouldn’t be a priority because it sounds selfish. On the other hand, some of us make the appearance of taking care of our health by using worldly means and motivations. Whether by neglect of our...
Kitchen Tips
July 8th, 2022
The kitchen is where we spend most of our time as homemakers, and it’s the place that can quickly get the most disorganized and dirtiest if we’re not diligent about its upkeep. Here are some tips for keeping the kitchen in good shape. ...
Training Children to Help With Chores
July 6th, 2022
Something over the past couple of generations has led to a belief that moms are responsible for ALL the housework. We think kids should lead a life of leisure, and for what? A bunch of people who grow up completely unprepared for adult life when they’re suddenly thrust into it at a certain age or when they get married. This is not only wrong, it’s unfair to everyone involved. Moms get burned out,...
Growing into a Titus 2 Woman
July 6th, 2022
Many of us did not grow up in homes under the discipleship and training of Titus 2 women. But God in His providence has given us His word and the model of such women throughout Scripture. We also have the blessing of the church, our elders and pastors, and for many, husbands or fathers....
Laundry Tips
July 6th, 2022
Is there any household chore we spend more time on than laundry? Is it possible to learn to love it? Believe it or not, there are plenty of tips you can implement that, along with a rightly ordered attitude, can make laundry easier and even enjoyable. Before you try any of these tips, remember to be thankful for the family who are generating all this laundry. Also remember that the laundry is nev...
How to Follow Your Husband
July 6th, 2022
So your husband comes home from work and thinks some changes need to be made around the house, to the schedule. Or maybe he has learned something during his study of scripture that he thinks needs to be implemented. Maybe it’s something where the balk of the work or change seems to fall on you. It can be hard to handle. You are tempted to take offense at it either as an assault on your character...