No More Excuses
When it comes to homemaking, we’re prone to making excuses. “I’m tired.” “I don’t have time.” “There’s too much to do.” “I’m overwhelmed.”
Do these sound familiar? These statements may be true, but they shouldn’t keep us from doing what God requires. These are struggles familiar to all of us. God knows this. He knows every hindrance. He still tells us to keep our homes.
So here’s some practical advice that can make a big impact on your homemaking.
First, PRAY. When I really started my homemaking journey, I very often prayed for time, energy, and motivation to do the things I needed to do. I can’t recall a single time God didn’t provide those things for me. I’m not saying it’s going to work that way for everyone every time, but Jesus did say, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).
Second, be thankful for your work and the reasons for it. I know that’s easier said than done, and it requires God’s grace. So pray about that too. Our duties, and the families that are the reason for those duties, are gifts. Reminding yourself of that will help.
Third, and not to sound cliche, but take advantage of coffee (or your caffeinated beverage of choice). Don’t depend on it too much or drink it non-stop, but coffee is another gift from God and can be helpful if used properly. I know it is to me.
Fourth, get your kids to help. I know there’s a big start-up cost here with teaching them how to do the chores right, but trust me, there’s a huge payoff to be had. You have help around the house, and they have a head start for when they have their own homes! Persevere. It doesn’t take as long as you think. “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.” Galatians 6:9
Fifth and last, start somewhere. If you want to start by making a list, great. That way you don’t have to think of what to do next. But you have to do something. Do those dishes. Fold that laundry. Clean that bathroom. You might find you get into a groove and don’t even mind continuing once you get done with the first or second or third task. And remember to thank God for the work and ask Him to help you to remember work is good and that we shouldn’t get bitter about having to do it all the time. And if the baby needs you in the middle of your groove, don’t get discouraged. God ordained that baby to need you at that time.