The Marriage Bed Part 1

Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled, for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

Some traditions have called marriage a sacrament. While we must not blur the distinction between the two sacraments (Baptism and the Lord's Supper) ordained by Christ for His Church and natural institutions ordained by God, we can agree that marriage was designed to be a glorious picture of the gospel.

The union of man and woman symbolizes the union of Christ with His Church. Marriage is also a means that God often uses to grow his people in holiness. Therefore, marriage is esteemed highly by God's people.

The Marriage Bed must not be defiled. Because the union of Christ with His Church will be completely pure at His return and the Church is being washed with the water and the word so that it may be presented pure and undefiled, the marriage bed is designed to picture this.

Furthermore, a man and a woman united together in one flesh is glorious and good. Sex between husband and wife is an amazing gift from God. It is a very good thing. Christians aren't prudes who avoid all pleasure.

No! There is great pleasure, fun, and joy in a Christian marriage.

To be naked and unashamed with your husband or wife is a treasure on earth. It is a treasure that produces more treasure. The joy of marital intimacy is ordained by God to last far beyond the act itself.

The marriage bed is fruitful. Sex between a husband and wife produces life. The joy of marital sex continues to produce for generations.

The Christian opposition to sex outside of marriage, homosexuality, and pornography are not because we are opposed to sex and want to withhold good and pleasurable things.

Rather we oppose anything that would defile what is truly good.

We oppose anything that would dishonor the good.

We oppose anything that would take away the good.

Our opposition to evil is because evil is not good, in every meaning of the word.

Fornication, Adultery, homosexuality, and all other sexual immorality destroy what is good. They may in a fleeting moment give off the appearance of something good. They may mimic the pleasure of an undefiled marriage bed. But it is a momentary mirage that leaves destruction, death, and dishonor in its wake.

And because God holds marriage in honor, He will not allow those who dishonor it to go unpunished. He will not allow this picture of the gospel to be tarnished. He will not allow the good to be defiled.

God will judge.

Therefore, all people, especially the church, must hold marriage in honor.

In part 2, we will look at ways the marriage bed is assaulted and what you can do to honor it.


The Marriage Bed Part 2


Confessions of a Church: Wickedness in the Place of Justice