The Sword and the Blog

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. - 2 Timothy 3:14-17

Confessions of a Church: All Die
Confessions of a Church, Ecclesiastes Joseph Spurgeon Confessions of a Church, Ecclesiastes Joseph Spurgeon

Confessions of a Church: All Die

One day, you will die.

One day, you will experience your last heartbeat, take your last breath, lay your head down to sleep for the last time.

The last time you tucked your child into bed, may be the last.

The last time you said "goodbye" to your husband may be the final time you utter those words.

In the future you will sit down for your final meal. You will enjoy that last intimate moment with your wife.

The sound of your children giggling from the other room could be the last time you hear that, so enjoy it.

There will be a final cigar.

A final sunset.

A final birthday.

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Confessions of a Church: Wealth
Confessions of a Church, Ecclesiastes Joseph Spurgeon Confessions of a Church, Ecclesiastes Joseph Spurgeon

Confessions of a Church: Wealth

Proverbs 10:15 says “The rich man’s wealth is his fortress”.

Therein lies the problem with wealth: in the accumulation of it, one tends to forget where those blessings came from, and rather than glorifying God and using wealth as a tool for God’s Kingdom, they seek to build their own little kingdom, and wind up serving as the tool of wealth.

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Confessions of a Church: Shadow Men
Confessions of a Church, Ecclesiastes Joseph Spurgeon Confessions of a Church, Ecclesiastes Joseph Spurgeon

Confessions of a Church: Shadow Men

Think for a moment about the impact a shadow has on the world around it. It is weightless and without substance.  A shadow takes the shape of the thing which is between it and the source of light. A shadow is immaterial, cannot be felt, grasped and has no discernible impact on the physical world.

Now consider man. What would it look like for a man to live out his life as a shadow?

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Confessions of a Church: Rejoicing in Labor
Confessions of a Church, Ecclesiastes Joseph Spurgeon Confessions of a Church, Ecclesiastes Joseph Spurgeon

Confessions of a Church: Rejoicing in Labor

One can see how easy it is to find enjoyment in food, or drink perhaps. Just last night I enjoyed a delicious steak and treated myself to a soda.

 But labor? We are supposed to find joy in labor?

How does one find joy in slinging 10,000 bags of ice in a day?

How does one find joy in the hard work of disciplining their children?

How does a young mother find joy in 1:00am feedings and screaming children?

How does a son find joy in the duties and chores given to him by his father?

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Confessions of a Church: Depression and Unbelief
Confessions of a Church, Ecclesiastes Joseph Spurgeon Confessions of a Church, Ecclesiastes Joseph Spurgeon

Confessions of a Church: Depression and Unbelief

Dear brothers and sisters walking in unbelief, you must repent of your unbelief. Unbelief isn't a condition where you are just so oppressed, so weary, so distraught, that you are physically and emotionally unable to come near to Christ, and if you could just muster up a little belief, He would then rescue you from the darkness. This thought makes God a liar, as if He needs you to do anything to save your soul from the pit.

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Confessions of a Church: Not in Vain
Confessions of a Church, Ecclesiastes Joseph Spurgeon Confessions of a Church, Ecclesiastes Joseph Spurgeon

Confessions of a Church: Not in Vain

"Duty is ours, consequences are God's"
Men, fathers, you have a duty before God to work hard, make wise decisions, love your wives and children, and lead your home. As you do these things with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, you labor not in vain.
Men, as you toil at work and as you discipline and train your children by faith, the Father from whom all Fatherhood gets its name will not fail you. His promises are not slack.

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Confessions of a Church: True Joy
Confessions of a Church Joseph Spurgeon Confessions of a Church Joseph Spurgeon

Confessions of a Church: True Joy

The mindless, Spiritless, fleshly, carnal pursuit of pleasure was arbitrary and meaningless because in the flesh: ultimate, sustainable, lasting pleasure could not be attained. This type of pleasure was fleeting, and left one enslaved to it in an endless vain pursuit.
However, there is a pursuit after which true joy may be achieved. There is worthwhile labor and toil which, in the end will not be in vain.

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