Matthew 21:1-11 The King Enters
Joseph preaches on Christ’s humble and joyous entry into Jerusalem in order to die for the sins of His people.
Matthew 20:17-28 So You Want To Be First?
Pastor Spurgeon preaches from Matthew 20:17-28 on the way to be great in the kingdom. If you want to be great you must go through the path of the cross. You must be willing to serve others. In addition, Joseph preaches about the glories and temptations of motherhood and fauxpatriarchy vs godly patriarchy.
Matthew 20:1-16 No More Envy
Envy and pride are assaults on the goodness of God. Pastor Joseph preaches on the antidote to breaking the 10th commandment.
Matthew 19:27-30 Is it Worth It
When you are weary, its tempting to ask why are we doing this anyways? Is it really worth it? And the answer is yes. Listen as Pastor Joseph preaches from Matthew 19 that yes our sacrifices are worth.
Matthew 19:16-26 The Rich Young Ruler
Be on guard against Spiritual Blindness, Pride, and the love of the World. Pastor Joseph preaches from Matthew 19 on the account of the rich young man who for all his searching was unwilling to have what he sought.
Matthew 19:13-15 Children belong to the Kingdom
Elder Aaron Sabie preaches from Matthew 19 on children and the covenant promises of God
Matthew 19:1-12 The Answer To MGTOW
Many are writing off marriage. But what does Jesus have to say about it. Listen as Pastor Joseph preaches from Matthew 19 on Marriage, Divorce, and a movement of bitter men called MGTOW
Matthew 18:15-35 The 7 Golden Steps to Peacemaking
What do you do if you have been sinned against? How do you respond? Are you a peacefaker, peacebreaker, or a peacemaker?
Matthew 18:1-10 Grow up and be a Child.
Pastor Joseph preaches from Matthew 18 calling us to have the humble faith of a child.
Matthew 17:22-27 Death and Taxes
Pastor Joseph preaches an encouraging sermon on Death and Taxes.
Matthew 17:14-21 Mountains and Mustard Seeds
Pastor Joseph preaches on faith, mental health, and using the means that God gives us to deal with issues of health.
Matthew 17:1-13 The Transfiguration
In our passage today, the Lord Jesus gives his disciples a look behind the scenes or a sneak peak at how things really will be. Three of the apostles are given a look at the glory of Christ Jesus. They get to be eyewitnesses beholding Christ’s glory, the Glory as of the only Begotten of the Father. This behind scenes look is a sneak peak at our future too. It lets us get a glimpse of Jesus not just in the humble form of man come to suffer but rather of the glory of Christ as the Son of God, preeminent, superior over even the law and prophets. Jesus is the Glorious one and therefore we ought to listen to Him.
Matthew 15:29-16:12 Pete and Repeat
Our Good Father in heaven shouldn’t have to repeat Himself, but for our benefit, He often does. Pastor Joseph Spurgeon preaches from a passage that has several repetitions from previous passages in Matthew. But don’t skim past this. Rather obey God right away, all the way, and without grumbling and disputing.
Matthew 13:53-58 Don’t be ashamed of Jesus
Guest preacher Jon Adams preaches on the temptation to be ashamed of Christ.
Matthew 13:1-17 Why Parables?
Jesus preaching draws the sheep and gives them more and more grace. It also hardens the hearts of the hardhearted. It closes the eyes of those who have eyes and don’t use them.