Announcing our Nursery

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35)

Our love for each other manifests in various ways, bearing witness to the fallen world that we belong to Christ.  Whether it is fellowship in one another’s homes, serving alongside one another at an outreach, potlucks, words of encouragement, hugs, holy kisses, acts of service, giving, or rebukes, the ways in which we love one another in genuine fashion (2 Cor 6:6) are supernaturally wrought by the Spirit’s work within us.

Perhaps no outward display of love reveals a greater distinction between the light of the Church and the darkness of fallen mankind than the love we have for our children. The world and Satan hate children. They especially hate OUR children.

Whether it’s the obvious hatred displayed for children by way of surgical and pharmaceutical abortions (abortifacient drugs/birth control), the lack of parental discipline prevalent in the lives of most children today, or even the way many churches disobey Christ’s command to “Let the little children come to Me” (Luke 18:16), hatred for children is widespread and normal.

With all of this in mind, and because the saints of Sovereign King Church are committed to loving one another, we are pleased to announce that on Sunday, July 7, 2024, we will officially launch the Sovereign King Church Nursery Ministry. This ministry is not meant to replace father and mother, is not a substitute for diligent parenting, teaching, and discipline at home, is not mandatory, nor is it meant for every child. The mission of the Sovereign King Church Nursery Ministry is to come alongside our members with children under the age of three years old during our corporate worship services on Sunday mornings, by offering a Christ-centered, age-appropriate learning environment. Our focus will be helping the young children to learn to love the Lord through stories from the Bible, simple catechisms, singing, and prayer time. This will help the children develop the practice of respecting the preciousness of others while in the community, respect for authorities beyond their parents, and assist parents in developing their child’s biblical foundation, with the aim of preparing the children for corporate worship, all to the glory of God.

The Nursery Ministry is optional and intended for children one to three years old. Some parents may have children in this age range who have no problem sitting through a worship service, are learning God’s word at an age-appropriate level, have a respect for others in worship, and a godly respect for authority beyond their parents. To this, we say Hallelujah! Some parents may have children who struggle in these areas and could benefit from something tailored more closely to the needs of their children. Praise the Lord you recognize this! Some parents may not be aware that their children are in need of this type of ministering. That’s okay too; we encourage you to discuss this with your pastors and elders. Don’t be offended if they encourage you to use this ministry. Your decision will be respected.

Your Pastor and Elders are aware of arguments and opinions about a church nursery. Our Declaration of Family Ministry and Children in Ministry states  “We will be committed to unity in the confession that Jesus Christ is King, in building up families, and in raising our children in the truth of His Kingdom. (Psalm 10:16). Therefore, we will not divide over family-integrated worship or in the methods of the education of our children in the Lord. We believe it is lawful for churches to have ministries to men, women, and children.”

Therefore, we will not judge anyone for using or not using the nursery, as this goes against the unity we covenanted to keep and is contrary to Christian charity and liberty of conscience (Romans 14). Unrighteous judgments and neglect of Christian charity include gossip, slander, grumbling, and a hard-hearted attitude toward the ministry, its workers, and its participants. Whatever your decision regarding the nursery, let us love one another as Jesus said: “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).

As with any new ministry, there are questions. “Who will work in the nursery?” “What will the children be doing?” “What safety and security practices will be in place?” “What’s the process for dropping off and picking up my child?”

The request for volunteers to help care for and disciple the children has been met with enthusiasm. We have nine committed ladies (with three more possible) and some of their husbands who have offered to serve as well.  Kellie Sabie will be overseeing the nursery and volunteers.  She will soon put out an announcement with the process for dropping off and picking up your children.

To answer the question of what the children will be doing: they will engage in prayer, song, Bible story, catechism, snacks, and other fun activities.  Your children will be taught, corrected, encouraged, and hugged by loving nursery workers, many with years of experience raising and teaching children.

For the safety and well-being of your children, the SKC Safety and Security committee is establishing principles and practices to reduce safety and security threats. Practices will include foot patrols around the premises during worship, including the nursery area, ensuring a peaceful worship service. Additionally, the church is adopting the "Sovereign King Church Sexual Abuse Prevention Policy” and conducting extensive background checks on all volunteers in positions of authority over children.

Brothers, we are excited about this ministry and the fruit it will bear in our children’s lives. The world knows nothing of laying down your life or preferences for your brothers and their children. But the church is the light in the world. When we serve each other in love, we show the world whose disciples we are.

In Christ,
Aaron Sabie
on behalf of the session of Sovereign King Church


Sexual Abuse Prevention Policy


Fellowship Meal Instructions