Fellowship Meal Instructions

Palm Sunday Fellowship Meal Instructions

“So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.”
Galatians 6:10

A very special opportunity is coming up!! Palm Sunday Fellowship Meal!!! March 24, 2024 immediately following service. The theme will be Traditional Easter Feast!!

An opportunity to love our brother and sisters in Christ. An opportunity to celebrate the triumphant entry of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. To celebrate the message of love, humility, and sacrifice that He preached from the very heart of God.

How do we do this intentionally with a fellowship meal? Here are a few instructions...

1. By filling family’s bellies full of good food!! Don’t be shy here!! Be so generous that it hurts a little. Make 2,3 or even 5 dishes to share. Make it a family event to prepare! Daughters, sons, wives and husbands all know something about cooking!! Let’s use this opportunity to work together in the home and bring forth a valuable contribution to the house of God. Our children so need encouragement and lessons in the kitchen! This is one way to give them the opportunity to not only love others but to work on those skills!! It’s not about clout, it’s about extending the most needed physical bodily nourishment there is, food. Remember we have a wonderfully large family of approximately 120 people!! What a blessing!! It’s understandable if your family has a busy week. Drinks, chips, packaged desserts, salads, fried chicken, bread, rolls, etc.. are all needed and quick to grab at the store. Think ahead. Or what if you don’t own any large dishes? Just ask! if you need a large aluminum pan, please let me know! These are wonderful for large amounts and easy clean up. We never want someone to go home hungry. There’s no such thing as too much.

2. By watching our portions. Watch our children and ourselves closely!! I know once
that sermon is over we all feel like we’re starving. Don’t let your eyes be bigger then your stomach. First round should only be what you know you’ll eat. Help your littles make their plates. You know their preferences and what is in the prepared dishes. This will cut down on waste. There should always be enough for a second round or better yet, dessert is waiting! Don’t ever forget ladies, we get to go first, some with our littles and men are allotted what is left. Be thinking of them and their appetites.  The above before mentioned action will help with this, too: the more we bring, the less we have to be concerned with constraining those desires for all the amazing food choices.

3. Sign up on the sign up sheet early! Let everyone know as quick as possible what you will be bringing. It seems noble to wait and see what is needed, what others may not want to bring. It is not. Everyone needs a plan. Don’t deny them that. Please please no more TBD (to be determined). At these fellowship meals variety is so very good! We can’t have ten tons of tomatoes but no salad. State what your bringing early. We can all stretch our limits, if needed. We can all get a little creative. If we’re actively seeking to make the meal good and rounded. No cases of kool aid and no sugar, or cereal and no milk. If we care early enough every dish can compliment the other.

4.  The next course of action would be during the meal. Fellowship!! Talk and eat! Maybe cover your mouth but don’t hesitate to conversate!! This is the most important aspect of these meals. We have slowed down to take the time to eat together. Don’t dismiss yourself and check out. Sit next to another family you may not get to talk to regularly. Listen to them. Ask questions and leave your phone in your pocket! Unless you are sharing a picture of course.

5. Last but not least… when it is time to leave, the sweet fellowship begins to wain and all are ready to head home to a wonderful evening of rest. Please clean up after yourselves and your children. There are those who have volunteered to stay and clean any mess left behind but I promise they are looking forward to rest the sabbath is to provided for, as well. What you don’t clean up, someone else will be responsible for. Be considerate and understanding. Don’t dismiss it under “job security” they are not being paid. Love them by making their job easy and enjoyable.

There are many ways to love the household of God during these special fellowship meals, always be looking for the good of your family in Christ.

As a side note, if you haven’t already noticed, we have decided to go back to the original sign up sheet. This will be posted in as many places as possible. Please make sure to invite guests that are new to the church and may not have immediate access. This should be a time of joy and welcoming in our church. Also every single family will have the responsibility of getting their own food to the tables with serving utensils. Don’t sweat it if you forget to bring one, the church has extras. Ask Isabelle or Jessica. Maybe designate one person in your family ahead of time to take care of this task. A map of the table layout will be provided soon in the app. A simple color coded drawing of the food/table layout. There will be physical signs on the tables the day of the meal. This is new so don’t forget!! This gives us an opportunity to work together as a whole! Be ready and willing to help another who may have missed this small detail. Any questions should be directed to Jessica Fluhr or Isabelle Hargis.

These meals are to be the body of Christ providing and serving the way we have been called. Thank you so much for your generosity!! All of us are looking forward to this opportunity to do good.

*Acts 2:44-47 says “And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.”

If for some reason your family has incurred a financial hardship and buying extra food just isn’t an option right now, please let Pastor Joseph, an elder, or even myself know. We should share our struggles and allow others to come beside us. Hardships as hard as they may be are beautiful opportunities to grow relationships. Never be ashamed of the financial situation God has called perfect for you in this moment. 


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