March 31- April 6 Family Worship Guide 2024

The Guide for the Week
March 31- April 6  2024
First Week of Easter

Bible Passage for the Week
Proverbs 18:21-24
Matthew 28
Psalm 22
Psalm 119

Verse to Memorize
Revelation 4:11

Catechism Questions:
Q. 7. What are the decrees of God? A. The decrees of God are, his eternal purpose, according to the counsel of his will, whereby, for his own glory, he hath foreordained whatsoever comes to pass.

Q. 8. How doth God execute his decrees? A. God executeth his decrees in the works of creation and providence.

Q. 9. What is the work of creation? A. The work of creation is, God’s making all things of nothing, by the word of his power, in the space of six days, and all very good.

People to Pray for:
Church:  The Church in Jeffersonville
Ministry:  Evangel Presbytery
Civil Magistrate: Jeffersonville City Council
                               Evan Stoner
Notes for Parents:
Provers 18:21-24
Verse 22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing And obtains favor from the Lord.

When we read Scripture and then meditate on it, we find that each verse is a fountain of treasure. There is a lot of wisdom to be gleaned from this verse. Here are some of the important principles that it teaches:

1. Marriage is a good thing. It is the first gift that God gave man in the Garden. Holy Scripture tells us that we are to hold marriage in high esteem. In our day, marriage is disregarded. Feminism and MGTOW (the bitter man equivalent to feminism) have downplayed the regard God has for marriage. Marriage was created by God and, what is more, was sanctified by God to be a picture of the Gospel. We ought to hold it in high esteem.

2.  This verse teaches us that it is a man who finds a wife. And this has several implications:
 a. Marriage was created to be a help to the man, therefore women are created to be helpmates to their husbands. The Apostle Paul says that woman was made for the man and not man for the woman. A good wife is one who embodies this principle. She is a helper to her husband. She is a gift to him from the Lord. Women, would your husband say this is true? Or do you expect your husband to be your helper? Matthew Henry said that there are some who are called wife who have no right to the name. That is, by their selfish attitudes and behaviors, they give the title wife a bad name and work to make a lie of this verse. Be a good catch.
b. Since it is the man who is finding a wife, we need to raise our sons to be those who pursue and find. Men should be the initiator in marriage. This is a sign of leadership. It takes courage. We can’t raise passive boys who lack courage. Men not only find their wives; they are to lead them. They are the ones to take the initiative.    
c. Young ladies need to be found. That is, they need to be open to marriage but at the same time not open to the whole world. There is a modesty and discretion that many young ladies lack now. They can act too much like just one of the guys. They can be too forward and too open to any man that comes along.  On the other hand, some young ladies are queens at hide and seek- no one can find them.  They bypass suitor after suitor because no one can be good enough. We need to raise daughters who are modest, discreet, and yet willing to be found by a godly man.

3. A man who has found a wife needs to be grateful to the Lord. Many issues in marriage could be solved if the husband or wife would go to God with thanksgiving for their spouse. If we were to treat our family members as gifts rather than burdens or worse enemies, we would find that a lot of the stress would be lifted.

Matthew 28
The whole of the Christian faith hinges on this event: the Resurrection of Jesus.  Jesus Christ died a terrible death on the cross. And if He had stayed in the grave, we would have had no hope. We would not be able to say that He atones for our sins. But because His death did satisfy the wrath of God and because Jesus Christ is who He says He is, He rose from the dead, just as He said He would.

 Praise God. Jesus is alive. Death has no right to hold the righteous in the grave. Death was made for the wicked. On the cross, Jesus took upon Himself our sin- “He was made to be sin who knew no sin.” As long as our sin hung on His frame, death could claim Him. But because His death satisfied the righteous justice of God, our sin was erased. The debt was paid. Jesus Christ was righteous. The grave could have no power over Him.

God, the Father, by the Holy Spirit, declared Jesus to be the Son of God with power. That is, in the resurrection, Jesus was declared to be who He is—The King of Kings and Savior of the World. And all of us who are united with Him by faith have had our sins washed clean. And just as He rose from the dead, we too will rise again. The grave cannot hold us down because we are the righteousness of God.

Therefore, let us live this way. Since our sins have been crucified with Christ, let us live like those who have been resurrected. Let us walk in the new life of the Holy Spirit and put to death the sin of the flesh.

Jesus is Alive. Jesus Christ is King!

Psalm 22
I don’t know how anyone could read this psalm and not be amazed at how the Holy Spirit worked in the life of David to compose a perfect picture of the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus. We see in the composing of this song that God is sovereign over all the details of life. It is clear that David was experiencing immense pain and suffering when he wrote this song. He used poetry to convey truths that would only find their greatest fulfillment in Jesus. You have to wonder if, at the time David wrote this, he knew he was prophesying. Did he understand that the trials and pains he was facing were given to him by God so that he would write so clearly of the death of the Savior of the world? We can learn from merely the composition of this Psalm the truth that God orchestrates all things. The tribulations we face, God may be using for the benefit of an untold number of future generations.
Diving into the details of this Psalm, we see that it begins with the most painful and sorrowful of lamentations. Who hasn’t asked “Where is God?” when things go wrong? When suffering comes upon us, we are quick to look around and think that God has abandoned us. And what a painful thing it would be to be abandoned by God. If God were to turn His back on us, we would have no hope.

As you read the first 18 verses, you see someone whom it may appear the Lord has abandoned. They are surrounded by their enemies. Their body wastes away. They are mocked. They are despised. Their hands and feet are pierced. Their enemies take away even their clothing. They are left with nothing. Everyone looks at them aghast. This is one that God has forsaken.

Jesus Christ knew this pain. He knew what it was to be mocked and despised for having stood for the truth of God and then to have everyone look at Him as one abandoned by God. Jesus Christ was made of no account for us. He was beaten and abused. He was not merely abandoned, but He took upon Himself the fullness of the curse of God. He bore the wrath of God.

Yet, do not mistake His crying out, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” as anything but His faith in God. The afflicted one knows that his afflictions come from God. David knew this and therefore, he cried out to God for help. His plea wasn’t just a complaint or lamentation. Rather, it was a cry to the God of the universe for help with faith. Jesus, in reciting this Psalm, showed that same confidence in His Father. This is a confidence that God is the helper of the poor. He is the deliverer.

Jesus was smitten by God but not abandoned by God. This psalm ends with great hope. Jesus rose from the dead. When Jesus cried for help, God heard. And because of the resurrection, all those who seek God shall live. Jesus is King. And all the ends of the earth will turn to Him. The gospel will go forth to the whole world. Jesus rules over the nations. Future generations will serve Him.
Let us then be that generation. Let us declare the righteousness of our God and our King.

Psalm 119
This psalm is an acrostic poem consisting of 22 sections, each corresponding to a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Each section typically contains 8 verses, making it a total of 176 verses. Each verse within a section begins with the corresponding letter of the Hebrew alphabet.   This is the longest chapter in the bible and its subject is the word of God itself.  Over and over again, the psalm writer exhorts us to cling to the word of God.  Those who follow after God’s commands will not be put to shame.
A good exercise for your family worship time, would be to go through this psalm and write down all the ways it speaks of scripture and the blessings that come from it.
How to Pray for Those we are praying for:
The Church in Jeffersonville
Heavenly Father, Almighty God,
In Your sovereign grace, You raised Your Son, Jesus Christ, from the dead, marking the triumph over sin and death. This past week, the churches in Jeffersonville celebrated this glorious resurrection. Yet, we acknowledge a profound need within these very churches—a need for revival, for resurrection not just in word, but in spirit and in truth.
Lord, we confess that many congregations have strayed. Some have embraced teachings that distort Your Word, others have condoned what You have declared evil, and still, others have fallen into the sin of omission, failing to proclaim the whole counsel of Your Word. The church, Your Bride, stands in desperate need of purification and revival.
We beseech You, O God, to send Your Holy Spirit to illuminate the churches of Jeffersonville. May Your light expel the shadows of compromise and lukewarm faith. Stir the hearts of pastors and congregants alike towards repentance and a zealous pursuit of truth. Grant them discernment to distinguish between the holy and the profane, the courage to stand firm against the tides of false doctrine, and the wisdom to speak Your truth in love. We pray for reformation—a return to the Gospel as the center of church life, where the message of the cross is both the hope for the lost and the standard for the saved. May the churches in Jeffersonville experience a resurgence of faith that is pure, undiluted, and uncompromising.
Father, let Your kingdom come, Your will be done in Jeffersonville as it is in heaven. May Your Name be glorified as You resurrect these churches, making them beacons of Your truth, grace, and love. Revive us, Lord, that we may rejoice in Your salvation and be faithful witnesses to the ends of the earth.
In the name of Jesus Christ, our risen Lord and Savior, we pray, Amen.

Evangel Presbytery
Sovereign Lord,
In the vast expanse of Your creation, You have called us to be stewards of Your Gospel, planting and nurturing the seeds of faith in the hearts of many. Today, we lift up Evangel Presbytery and its sacred mission of oversight over the churches within its union. We ask You to bless the efforts of those called to plant new churches. Equip them, Father, with the tenacity of Paul, the courage of Peter, and the faith of Abraham. May their work not be in vain but flourish under Your providential care, bringing many to the light of Your grace.
For the established churches, Lord, we ask for a fresh outpouring of Your Spirit. In a time when the world seems ever shifting, let these congregations be pillars of truth and sanctuaries of peace. Strengthen the bonds of fellowship, deepen their commitment to Your Word, and ignite in them an unquenchable fire for Your glory. Grant the pastors of Evangel Presbytery wisdom that surpasses understanding and boldness that defies the norms of this age. In moments of doubt, be their certainty; in times of weakness, be their strength. Mold them into shepherds after Your own heart, who lead not from a place of pride, but of humble service and sacrificial love.
Lord, we yearn for revival — a revival that begins in the quiet chambers of our hearts and spills over into our families, our churches, and our communities. Revive us, O Lord, that we may be a people zealous for good works, eager to spread the good news of the Gospel to every corner of the earth.
In all things, may Your will be done, Your kingdom come, and Your Name be glorified among us. We submit this prayer in the powerful and precious name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Amen

Jeffersonville City Council Evan Stoner:  
Heavenly Father,
We pray for Evan Stoner of Jeffersonville's City Council. Guide him towards repentance for endorsing what contradicts Your Word. Grant him wisdom that aligns with divine truth, influencing his decisions for the betterment of the community. Impart wisdom and courage to the entire council, pushing them to choose righteousness over popularity, to reject policies that encourage immorality, and to protect the rights and freedoms of Jeffersonville's citizens. Help them to lead with integrity, always seeking what is just and true in Your eyes. Strengthen the local church to engage constructively, standing firm in Your truth.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Church History Spotlight
John Donne, Poet and Preacher
31 March 1631

"All mankind is one volume. When one man dies, one chapter is torn out of the book and translated into a better language. And every chapter must be so translated. God employs several translators. Some pieces are translated by age, some by sickness, some by war, some by justice. But God's hand shall bind up all our scattered leaves again for that library where every book shall lie open to another."

Donne (rhymes with "sun") was born in 1573 (his father died in 1576) into a Roman Catholic family, and from 1584 to 1594 was educated at Oxford and Cambridge and Lincoln's Inn (this last a highly regarded law school). He became an Anglican (probably around 1594) and aimed at a career in government. He joined with Raleigh and Essex in raids on Cadiz and the Azores, and became private secretary to Sir Thomas Egerton. But in 1601 he secretly married Anne More, the 16-year-old niece of Egerton, and her enraged father had Donne imprisoned. The years following were years of poverty, debt, illness, and frustration. In 1615 he was ordained, perhaps largely because he had given up hope of a career in Parliament.
From the above information, the reader might conclude that Donne's professed religious belief was mere opportunism. But the evidence of his poetry is that, long before his ordination, and probably beginning with his marriage, his thoughts were turned toward holiness, and he saw in his wife Anne a glimpse of the glory of God, and in human love a revelation of the nature of Divine Love. His poetry, mostly written before his ordination, includes poems both sacred and secular, full of wit, puns, paradoxes, and obscure allusions at whose meanings we can sometimes only guess.
After his ordination, his reputation as a preacher grew steadily. From 1622 until his death he was Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral in London, and drew huge crowds to hear him, both at the Cathedral and at Paul's Cross, an outdoor pulpit nearby.

 A prayer of thanksgiving for John Donne:
Almighty God, the root and fountain of all being: Open our eyes to see, with your servant John Donne, that whatever has any being is a mirror in which we may behold you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Excerpt from a Poem:
We think that Paradise, and Calvary,
     Christ's cross, and Adam's tree, stood in one place;
   Look, Lord, and find both Adams met in me;
     As the first Adam's sweat surrounds my face,
     May the last Adam's blood my soul embrace.

Announcements for the Week

New Blog Post:
The women’s ministry blog has a new post up called Good Kid’s Aren’t the Result of Luck.   It is a good reminder to be faithful even with the littlest children.
Prayer Concerns:
  • Expectant Mothers: We request special prayers for Shawn Crone, Rowina Spurgeon, Gabby Fluhr and Maddie Sands.
  • Sicknesses:  The flu bug has been going around again.  Praying for all those who have been hit.  Remember that God is sovereign.  Give thanks that God is teaching us to look forward to the day when there will be no more sickness.
  • Prayer for the Church in Jeffersonville: This past week churches in Jeffersonville celebrated the resurrection of Jesus.  Let us pray that God will resurrect the churches themselves.  There are many churches which have given themselves to false teaching, to approving of evil, or of simply not speaking the whole truth.  The church is in need of revival.  Pray for the light of God to shine on Jeffersonville and to see reformation in all the churches here.  
  • Prayer for Evangel Presbytery:  Please pray for the work of Evangel Presbytery in overseeing the various churches in its union.  Pray for those planting churches and for those in the established churches.  Pray for wisdom and boldness in the pastors.  Pray for revival in and among us.
  • Jeffersonville City County Evan Stoner: Evan Stoner is a democrat member of the council. He is what I would call an activist member who is very liberal.  He started the sodomite pride event, for example.  Pray that he would repent of supporting such evil.  Pray that he would have wisdom from above in the decisions and judgements he makes.  Pray that he and the rest of the city council would seek to do what is right whether it is popular or not.  That they would not support wicked policies that promote sexual immorality and other sins but rather protect the God-given rights and liberties of Jeffersonville.
  • Nursing Home: April 1
  • Growing Kids God’s Way:  We are launching a brand new ministry to help parents raise up godly children in a godless time.  Every Sunday evening (except the third Sunday which is Genevan Pub) from 5-7 PM we invite parents of all ages to come and learn principles from God’s word along with some practical wisdom on raising children.  If you are unable to procure baby sitters, we will have child care available.  Our first and introductory class will be April 7th. 
  • Open Air Preaching: April 3-  Join Pastor Joseph at the Thorntons’ gas station at 3 PM.
  • Women’s Bible Study-  April 10th 6:30- 8:30 PM
  • Spring Dance:  April 12 at the Cox’s Home.  Come join us for a barn/line dancing night! Don’t know how to dance? Don’t worry about it! there will be a lesson, The lesson will consist of two or three dances. Be there @6:45pm and the lesson will start @7:00, after the lesson it’s all fellowship and dancing. All Adults and young teens 12 and older are invited!!  Water will be provided but feel  free to bring snacks to share. We will be finishing @9:00pm.
  • Thunder Over Louisville: April 20
  • Genevan Pub-  April 21
  • Men’s Kayaking and Camping: May 17-18 For men and teenage boys who can swim, we will be kayaking and then camping along side the river. Register here.
For more information and updates, please visit our website
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