June 30- July 6th Family Worship Guide 2024

The Guide for the Week June 30- July 6th 2024 AD

Bible Passage for the Week
Proverbs 23:1-9
1 Samuel 22
Psalm 132
Verse to Memorize
Romans 5:19  

Westminster Shorter Catechism 
Q. 16. Did all mankind fall in Adam’s first transgression?
A. The covenant being made with Adam, not only for himself, but for his posterity; all mankind, descending from him by ordinary generation, sinned in him, and fell with him, in his first transgression.

Q. 17. Into what estate did the fall bring mankind?
A. The fall brought mankind into an estate of sin and misery.

Q. 18. Wherein consists the sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell?
A. The sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell, consists in the guilt of Adam’s first sin, the want of original righteousness, and the corruption of his whole nature, which is commonly called original sin; together with all actual transgressions which proceed from it.

Q. 19. What is the misery of that estate whereinto man fell?
A. All mankind by their fall lost communion with God, are under his wrath and curse, and so made liable to all miseries in this life, to death itself, and to the pains of hell for ever.

People to Pray for: 
Church:  Christ Church Cincy
                 Pastor Joseph Bayly
Ministry:  Sovereign King Academy
Civil Magistrate: Jeffersonville City Council
                                Scott Hawkins
Notes for Parents:
Proverbs 23:1-9

When you sit down to dine with a ruler, Consider carefully what is before you, And put a knife to your throat If you are a man of great appetite. Do not desire his delicacies, For it is deceptive food.
“With the Sheckels come the Shackles.”

When I was in basic training, our drill sergeant would barge into the barracks yelling to get us up and moving at the crack of dawn. After an early morning workout, we would wait in the chow line for our turn at what was supposed to be food. While we were waiting, the same drill sergeant would go on a rant about how much he hated us privates (we knew he actually didn’t). One morning he said, “Privates, do you know how much I hate you?” And we were required to answer back, “How much, Drill Sergeant?” “When I am shaving, I have to hold a gun to my head to keep from cutting my throat because I am thinking about you.”
The proverb writer uses a similar illustration: “put a knife to your throat if you are a man of great appetite.” Solomon is saying you better put to death in you the desires of the belly when you are sitting down with a ruler. Why? Because the rich gifts of a ruler are not always so innocent and benevolent. They are deceptive. They can be a way to get their hook into you and make you become enslaved to them.

We need to also be on guard that our appetites and lusts don’t enslave us. We have all seen the movie where a man ends up borrowing money from a mob boss. And now, he is ensnared. He ends up going deeper and deeper into things that he doesn’t want to be involved with.

We all need to learn a healthy hatred towards our appetites. Put a gun to your head (spiritually) so that you won’t let your lusts make you cut your throat. Learn to practice self-control, self-discipline, and self-denial.

Be careful about receiving gifts. Recognize that not every gift really is a gift. Some people give loans under the guise of a gift. Some people use a gift to be able to manipulate you. Don’t let yourself be unable to be impartial in issues of justice and truth.

The civil government never really gives free handouts. They always come with some requirement. The requirement may merely be paperwork and your time. But we all must be on guard against giving away our God-given liberty. This isn’t to condemn you for making use of a government program but to encourage you to make sure that you go into to anything the government gives with your eyes open and your wit about you.
Be in control of yourself or someone else will control you.

1 Samuel 22
We are returning to this passage again this week.  As you read this passage, look at how Saul’s sinfulness has metastasized to where he ends up ordering the slaughter of God’s priests.   Pay attention to the excuses that Saul gives.  He is playing the victim all throughout this passage.  No one cares enough about it.  Everyone is out to get him.   His greed and his jealousy have led him to assume that everyone else is just like him and they are plotting against him.  He is committing gross injustice and evil and yet he acts as if he is the innocent victim.   Sin makes us stupid.
I challenge you go to back through 1 Samuel and reflect on how far Saul has fallen and what the steps were that got him to this point.

Psalm 132
Verse 11 The Lord has sworn to David A truth from which He will not turn back: “Of the fruit of your body I will set upon your throne.

This psalm was most likely written during the time period in which David found the ark of the covenant and brought it to Jerusalem. David was a man who desired to honor God and wanted to build a more permanent place to worship Him. Just as verses 2-5 say, David made a vow that he would not rest until God had a permanent place of worship. David loved God and loved His people. David wanted to honor God and see His name hallowed. We should all learn from David to desire these same things. We should not rest until we have seen Jesus honored among those around us. Our heart’s desire and our priority should be to see the church (the Lord’s house) built up. How many of us could say that we would not focus on our own home or sleep until God’s house was taken care of?
God honored David, but it was not God’s will that David would be the one to physically build the temple. Instead, God told David that rather than David building a house for God, God would build up David’s home. God swore an oath and made a covenant with David that He would build up David’s household and put one of his sons on the throne forever. This promise is, of course, a promise of Jesus Christ, the descendant of David. God kept His promise.

We can’t outgive God. We think if we put the house of the Lord first that God will not honor us. But here is the truth: God doesn’t even need our work and labor. He doesn’t need us, but He does honor us when we give ourselves to serving Him. God always gives us far more than we can give. He gave us His only Son; there is nothing good that He will withhold from us.

Therefore, let us remember the covenant faithfulness of God. Let us vow in our hearts like David to love and serve God and to make His church our priority.

Example Prayers for Weekly Prayer Concerns
Expectant Mothers:
Heavenly Father, we lift up Gabby Fluhr, Maddie Sands, and Emily Leupp, who are carrying precious lives within them. Grant them strength and endurance during this time. May their hearts be filled with Your peace, and their bodies protected by Your mighty hand. Let these little ones grow strong and healthy in the womb, destined to know and serve You. Father, guide these mothers with wisdom and patience, preparing them for the sacred task of nurturing their children. We ask this in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

New Babies:
Almighty God, we praise You for the safe arrivals of Rowina Spurgeon and Shawn Crone's babies. We pray for swift recovery and renewed strength for these mothers. Surround them with Your comfort and grace as they adjust to their new roles. Bless these newborns with robust health and a growing spirit that seeks after You. Lord, may these children be raised in the fear and admonition of the Lord, becoming godly women for Your kingdom. We commit their lives into Your hands, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Christ Church Cincy:
Lord God, we pray for Pastor Joseph Bayly and Christ Church in Cincinnati. Grant him wisdom, strength, and unwavering faith as he leads Your flock. Bless the church with growth in both numbers and spiritual maturity. Protect them from sin and strife, and guard their unity and peace. We ask for Your blessing on the children of the church, that they would come to faith early and remain steadfast. May Your Holy Spirit empower and sustain them, in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

Sovereign King Academy:
Father in Heaven, we thank You for the vision of Sovereign King Academy. Bless Assistant Pastor Greg Anglen with discernment and energy as he leads this endeavor. Provide for every financial need and guide the remodeling efforts. We pray for the children and families who will attend, that they may grow in knowledge and faith. May this academy stand as a beacon of Your truth for many years. In the name of Jesus Christ, we ask for Your abundant provision and blessing. Amen.

Jeffersonville City Council - Scott Hawkins:
Lord of all, we bring Councilman Scott Hawkins before You. Grant him wisdom to uphold Your law and make righteous decisions. We pray that Jeffersonville would turn to You and recognize the Kingship of Jesus. Convict the council of their sins, especially for allowing events that dishonor You, and lead them to repentance. Bless Scott Hawkins and his family, protecting them from harm and guiding them in Your ways. In Jesus Christ's name, we pray. Amen.

Church History Spotlight
John Huss
Priest and Martyr July 6 1415
John Huss (Jan Hus) was born in Bohemia (now part of the Czech Republic) in about 1371. He received a master's degree from Charles University in Prague in 1396, became a professor of theology in 1398, was ordained to the priesthood in 1400, was made rector of the University in 1402, and in 1404 received a bachelor's degree in theology (presumably a more advanced degree than the term suggests today).

In his day, there was a crisis of authority in the Western Church. In 1305, under pressure from the King of France, the seat of the Popes was moved from Rome to Avignon in France, where it remained for 70 years. (This period is called the Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy, suggesting the 70 years that Jerusalem lay desolate after the Jews were deported to Babylon.) In 1376, the then pope returned to Rome. When he died soon after, the cardinals, mostly French, were disposed to elect a French Pope, but the people of Rome objected, fearing that a French Pope would move the Papacy back to France. The cardinals therefore elected an Italian Pope, and then fled elsewhere, where they elected a French Pope and said that the first election had been under duress, and was void. Thus there were two (later three) claimants for the Papal Office. The Council of Constance was called to settle the matter. One claimant recognized the Council and then abdicated. The Council responded by proclaiming that he had been the true Pope. It then deposed the other two, and elected a new Pope, thus healing the schism.

Meanwhile, Huss had begun to denounce various church abuses in his sermons. His disputes with authority did not concern basic theological issues, but rather matters of church discipline and practice. The custom had arisen, at celebrations of the Lord's Supper, of distributing the consecrated bread to all Christians in good standing who desired to receive it, but restricting the chalice to the priest alone. Huss denounced this restriction as contrary to Holy Scripture and to the ancient tradition of the Church. He also held that Church officials ought to exercise spiritual powers only, and not be earthly governors. In 1412 his archbishop excommunicated him, not for heresy, but for insubordination. (The real problem was that Huss supported one papal claimant and the archbishop another. Huss's candidate was ultimately declared to be the true pope.) Matters came to a head when one papal claimant (later declared unfit) proclaimed a sale of indulgences to raise money for a war against his rivals. Huss was horrified at the idea of selling spiritual benefits to finance a war between two claimants to the title "Servant of the Servants of God," and said so.

In 1414 he was summoned to the Council of Constance, with the Emperor guaranteeing his personal safety even if found guilty. He was tried, and ordered to recant certain heretical doctrines. He replied that he had never held or taught the doctrines in question, and was willing to declare the doctrines false, but not willing to declare on oath that he had once taught them. The one point on which Huss could be said to have a doctrinal difference with the Council was that he taught that the office of the pope did not exist by Divine command, but was established by the Church that things might be done in an orderly fashion. The Council, having just narrowly succeeded in uniting Western Christendom under a single pope after years of chaos, was not about to have its work undone. It accordingly found him guilty of heresy, and he was burned at the stake on 6 July 1415.

After his death, his followers continued to insist on the importance of administering the Holy Communion in both kinds, and defeated several armies sent against them. In 1436 a pact was signed, by which the Church in Bohemia was authorized to administer the wine as well as bread to all communicants. The followers of John Huss and his fellow martyr Jerome of Prague became known as the Czech Brethren and later as the Moravians. The Moravian Church survives to this day, and has had a considerable influence on the Lutheran movement. When Luther suddenly became famous after the publication of his 95 Theses, cartoons and graffiti began to appear implying that Luther was the spiritual heir of John Huss. When Luther encountered the Pope's representative Johannes Eck, in a crucial debate, Eck sidestepped the questions of indulgences and of justification by faith, and instead asked Luther whether the Church had been right to condemn Huss. When Luther, after thinking it over, said that Huss had been unjustly condemned, the whole question of the authority of Popes and Councils was raised.

A prayer of thanksgiving for John Huss
Almighty God, who gave to your servant John Huss boldness to confess the Name of our Savior Jesus Christ before the rulers of this world, and courage to die for this faith: Grant that we may always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us, and to suffer gladly for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Announcements for the Week 06/30/2024- 07/06/2024
Raising Funds for Sovereign King Academy: 
We need your support to establish a school dedicated to helping parents educate their children in the Lord. Whether or not you plan to send your children to this school, this is a chance to love your neighbor (who may want to make use of this) and contribute to a worthy cause for the future. We ask that any donations be above and beyond your tithe to the church.  Give at https://www.sovereignkingchurch.com/donate.  
Announcing Sovereign King Church Nursery:   We are pleased to announce that starting the first Sunday in July, we will be able to have a nursery available on Sunday mornings for children ages 1-3.  This is a tool to help parents train up their children to worship the Lord.  

Worship Music:    Here is a playlist of songs we will be singing this coming Sunday for Worship.   You can listen to, sing along with, and make yourself familiar with all the songs.   It is good to come to the Lord’s house on the Lord’s day prepared to sing the Lord’s praises.  https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7HqRi9cKiijmRxKKQWbYpK?si=bd837f32c0b143c1
Prayer Concerns:
  • Expectant Mothers: We request special prayers for Gabby Fluhr, Maddie Sands and Emily Leupp.
  • New Babies: Both Rowina Spurgeon and Shawn Crone had their babies this week.   Be praying for both mommas as they recover and for the little ones to grow healthy and strong in the Lord.
  • Christ Church Cincy:  Pray that God would give pastor Joseph Bayly wisdom and strength as he leads Christ Church in Cincinnati.  Pray for continued growth in numbers and maturity.  Ask God to protect the peace of the church by defending them from temptations to sin and to strife.  Pray for all the little children of the church that God would give them faith from a young age.  
  • Sovereign King Academy  We are excited about launching our hybrid school this school year but there is still much work to be done.  We are still fundraising and also beginning work on remodeling the classroom areas.  Please pray for Assistant Pastor Greg Anglen as he leads this work.  Pray for all the children and their families who will attend.  Ask God to provide over and above for our financial needs.  Pray that this will be the beginning of many faithful years of educating and ministering to the covenant children of Sovereign King Church and beyond.     
  • Jeffersonville City Council Scott Hawkins: The Holy Spirit, speaking through the Apostle Paul, teaches us to pray for those in authority. Scripture says, "First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity." Pray for Councilman Hawkins, that he would uphold God’s law and make judgments that are wise, godly, and good. Pray that he would desire to see Jeffersonville submit to the Kingship of Jesus. Pray that the entire council would repent for allowing sexually perverse pride events to be held in public in Jeffersonville. Pray for his family.

Growing Kids God’s Way  Sunday Evenings in June 5-7 PM
Nursery To begin the first Sunday of July
All Hallow’s Reformation Feast Team Meeting July 9@ 7PM.  If you would like to help serve on our team planning our annual reformation celebration, please let Pastor Joseph know.
Farmer’s Market Outreach July 13
Family Ministry Night July 17
Elders Training July 20
Genevan Pub July 21
Men and Boys Camping Trip August 30-31
For more information and updates, please visit our website
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