July 7th- 13th Family Worship Guide 2024

The Guide for the Week July 7th – 13th 2024

Bible Passage for the Week
Proverbs 23:10-21
2 Corinthians 3
1 Samuel 23:1-14
Psalm 133

Verse to Memorize
Acts 4:12

Westminster Shorter Catechism
Q. 20. Did God leave all mankind to perish in the estate of sin and misery?
A. God having, out of his mere good pleasure, from all eternity, elected some to everlasting life, did enter into a covenant of grace, to deliver them out of the estate of sin and misery, and to bring them into an estate of salvation by a Redeemer.

People to Pray for
Church:  Church of the King (Evansville)
                        Pastor Jake Mentzel
Ministry:  Our Nursery Ministry
Civil Magistrate: Jeffersonville City Council
                                              Jacky Snelling
Notes for Parents:
Proverbs 23:10-21

Verse 20-23 Do not be with heavy drinkers of wine, Or with gluttonous eaters of meat; For the heavy drinker and the glutton will come to poverty, And drowsiness will clothe one with rags.
Solomon is a wise father, and so he never stops warning his son of the temptations that face him as a man. God made men to be leaders. He made them to lead their families to worship and live for Christ. He made men to be conquerors. We are meant to subdue the earth and take dominion over creation for the glory of God. We have work to do.
But ever since Adam, man’s temptation has been to resist the responsibility that comes with leadership. Man’s temptation has been to be passive rather than active. His temptation is to be subdued rather than to subdue. His temptation is to be overcome by creation rather than to rule it.

One way that young men are tempted to this passivity is to be ruled by their thirst and hunger. It is to be ruled by alcohol and food. Alcohol and food are gifts from God for man to rule over. Man is to be in charge of his appetite. He is to be self-disciplined.
But it is a common temptation to all men, to let the gifts of creation rule over them, just as the serpent once ruled over Adam. A wise father knows these temptations and will warn his sons about them.

He will teach his sons through his words and his example to be self-controlled. He will teach his sons the wisdom of having a strong body. He will teach his sons the discipline of diet and exercise. He will warn his sons that those who give themselves to alcohol and food are going to be poor and tired. They will be sluggish and lazy. It is a miserable place to be.
Fathers, you must start this work when your children are young. Teach them to eat the food that their mother fixes at mealtime. Teach them the discipline of getting up on time. Teach them to exercise. Even a 3-year-old can learn to do jumping jacks and some pushups. Find areas to teach them self-control.

God wants us to be strong in body, mind, and soul. This is because we are supposed to love Him with all our body, mind, and soul.

2 Corinthians 3
A Summary of the chapter from Matthew Henry:  The apostle makes an apology for his seeming to commend himself, and is careful not to assume too much to himself, but to ascribe all praise unto God (2Co_3:1-5). He then draws a comparison between the Old Testament and the New, and shows the excellency of the later above the former (2Co_3:6-11), whence he infers what is the duty of gospel ministers, and the advantage of those who live under the gospel above those who lived under the law (2Co_3:12 to the end).

1 Samuel 23:1-14
David is still on the run from Saul in this section of Scripture, but David now has an army of about 600 men. David, however, still does not trust in mere weapons and armies. His faith is in the Lord. In this section, we see him living out that faith by seeking the Lord’s guidance in everything he does. We also see that David still has a heart for the people of God and against their enemies. Though David is being pursued by the Israelite king, he is willing to see if the Lord will have him fight against the Philistines.

David is a faithful and loyal man to both God and his people. He doesn’t let the fact that Saul has become tyrannical keep him from loyalty to his own people. There are a couple of lessons for us here.

This past week, we just celebrated Independence Day. Our nation has, in many ways, turned its back on God. Our civil leaders are very corrupt and do not care about doing what is best for the American people. Abortion is still protected throughout the country. Other sins are paraded through the streets. The cultural Marxists have worked hard to tear down statues and rewrite the story of our nation’s past. It can make it really hard to be patriotic. It can be hard to love our own country. A Christian’s first and foremost loyalty is to Christ and then to the Church that Jesus died for. Yet, God in His providence places us where He wants us. It was no accident that you are an American citizen. We ought to have a natural love for our own countrymen. The Apostle Paul loved his fellow countrymen and was willing to die so that they may know the Lord. David still had a concern to protect his nation. We should not let the devil lead us to lose that natural affection for our homeland. It is still good to love America and want to see what is best for her, which is her repentance and her bowing down before Jesus.

Secondly, we ought to remember to keep a love for the Church of Christ even though the institutional or visible Church is often led by bad men. There are a lot of unfaithful pastors. There are outright wolves that run amok. Yet, we ought to be like David and never stop loving nor fighting for the reformation of the Church. We should give our lives to protecting her from the Philistine-like enemies seeking to destroy her. Don’t be like those who got hurt once in the Church and who give up on her. There are still faithful shepherds. The Church, not America, is the hope for the world. The Church, not America, is guaranteed to be victorious in life and in death. The Church is what Christ lives to defend. Give your life for her and do so by constantly seeking the leading of the Lord.

Psalm 133
Verse 1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brothers to dwell together in unity!

When God called Moses to lead His people out of Egypt, Moses doubted his own ability to communicate with the Israelites, having been raised in an Egyptian household. To support Moses, God called Aaron, his brother, to serve as his spokesperson. Aaron fulfilled this role faithfully. It was fitting then for Moses to anoint Aaron as the first high priest. This moment, with brother serving alongside brother and anointing brother for the Lord’s work, was a powerful sight.

David uses the image of anointing oil flowing down Aaron’s head and beard to illustrate the goodness of brothers living in unity. Matthew Henry suggests David may have been teaching his own sons about brotherly love and affection.  Sibling rivalry has haunted mankind since the first brothers, Cain and Abel. Cain’s jealousy and selfishness led him to bash his brother over the head. How much better is it to have Moses anointing his brother.
Parents have their work cut out for them in teaching their children not only to love God and to obey their parents but also to truly love their siblings. It is good and pleasant when brothers love each other and work together for the Lord. Teach your children to show each other respect and to say that they love each other.

This Psalm speaks not just of family relationships but of our bond as brethren in the Lord. Jesus taught that His disciples would be known by their love for one another. Yet there are no ends to the ways that our enemy will work to divide us from our brothers in the faith. This is why so much of the New Testament instruction is dedicated to preserving the unity of the church. This is a high priority to our Our King prioritizes His servants dwelling together in unity.

“Dwell together” means more than simply tolerating another’s existence. It literally means to live together. Christians must be involved in each other’s lives. The work of unity is hard. It requires the Holy Spirit’s anointing, more precious than oil It will take putting off the deeds of the flesh—things like jealousy, bitterness, pride, and selfish preference for one’s own preferences. It will mean putting on humility, patience, self-control, forgiveness, and self-sacrifice.

At Sovereign King Church, we practice this unity in many ways. We come from different backgrounds and have different preferences. We differ on time and mode of baptism. We differ on methods to educate our children or train them for worship. But we are united in our love for Christ and His word. We are united in our desire to worship Him purely, to pursue godly marriages, and to raise godly children. Serving alongside each other, helping each other in our weaknesses and strengths, is a beautiful picture. It is worth it because the Lord gives a blessing to those who love the brotherhood—life forever.

Example Prayers for Weekly Prayer Concerns
Prayer for Expectant Mothers:

Heavenly Father, we lift up Gabby Fluhr and Emily Leupp, asking for Your mighty hand to be upon them as they prepare to bring new life into this world. Grant them strength, health, and peace as they journey through pregnancy. May Your protection surround them and their unborn children, ensuring safe and healthy deliveries. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray for their physical and spiritual well-being, trusting in Your sovereign care and perfect plan. Amen.

Prayer for New Babies:
Lord Almighty, we rejoice with Rowina Spurgeon, Shawn Crone, and Maddie Sands for the gift of new life. We ask for Your healing hand to be upon these mothers as they recover. May their strength be renewed daily. For their babies, we pray for health, strength, and a firm foundation in Your truth from an early age. Guard these little ones, Lord, and help them grow in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer for Church of the King (Evansville):
Sovereign Lord, we bring before You Pastor Jake Mentzel and the Church of the King in Evansville. Grant Pastor Mentzel wisdom, courage, and strength as he shepherds Your flock. May the church grow in number and maturity, firmly rooted in Your Word. Protect them from the snares of the enemy, and preserve the peace and unity among them. Instill faith in the hearts of the children, that they may know and follow You all their days. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for Sovereign King Nursery:
Father God, we thank You for the launch of the Sovereign King Nursery. Bless Kellie Sabie with wisdom and grace as she oversees this ministry. Empower the volunteers to teach with clarity and conviction, setting a godly example for the little ones. We pray for the children and families who will participate, as well as those who choose different paths, that all may be unified and at peace in their decisions. Let this nursery be a place where young hearts begin to worship and know You. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Prayer for Jeffersonville City Council and Jacky Snelling:
Lord of Hosts, we lift up Councilman Jacky Snelling and the Jeffersonville City Council. As Your Word instructs, we pray for those in authority, asking that Councilman Snelling uphold Your law with wisdom and godliness. May he and the council turn away from endorsing sin and instead seek to honor You in their decisions. Convict their hearts to repent of past wrongs and lead Jeffersonville in righteousness. We ask for Your protection and blessing upon Jacky Snelling’s family. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Church History Spotlight
Benedict of Nursia
Founder of Western Monasticism

Benedict was born at Nursia  in Umbria, Italy, around 480 AD. He was sent to Rome for his studies, but was repelled by the dissolute life of most of the populace, and withdrew to a solitary life at Subiaco. A group of monks asked him to be their abbot, but some of them found his rule too strict, and he returned alone to Subiaco. Again, other monks called him to be their abbot, and he agreed, founding twelve communities over an interval of some years. His chief founding was Monte Cassino, an abbey which stands to this day as the mother house of the world-wide Benedictine order.

Totila the Goth visited Benedict, and was so awed by his presence that he fell on his face before him. Benedict raised him from the ground and rebuked him for his cruelty, telling him that it was time that his iniquities should cease. Totila asked Benedict to remember him in his prayers and departed, to exhibit from that time an astonishing clemency and chivalry in his treatment of conquered peoples.

Benedict drew up a rule of life for monastics, a rule which he calls "a school of the Lord's service, in which we hope to order nothing harsh or rigorous." The Rule gives instructions for how the monastic community is to be organized, and how the monks are to spend their time. An average day includes about four hours to be spent in liturgical prayer five hours in spiritual reading and study, six hours of labor, one hour for eating, and about eight hours for sleep. The Book of Psalms is to be recited in its entirety every week as a part of the Office.
A Benedictine monk takes vows of "obedience, stability, and conversion of life." That is, he vows to live in accordance with the Benedictine Rule, not to leave his community without grave cause, and to seek to follow the teaching and example of Christ in all things. Normal procedure today for a prospective monk is to spend a week or more at the monastery as a visitor. He then applies as a postulant, and agrees not to leave for six months without the consent of the Abbot. (During that time, he may suspect that he has made a mistake, and the abbot may say, "Yes, I think you have. Go in peace." Alternately, he may say, "It is normal to have jitters at this stage. I urge you to stick it out a while longer and see whether they go away." Many postulants leave before the six months are up.) After six months, he may leave or become a novice, with vows for one year. After the year, he may leave or take vows for three more years. After three years, he may leave, take life vows, or take vows for a second three years. After that, a third three years. After that, he must leave or take life vows (fish or cut bait). Thus, he takes life vows after four and a half to ten and a half years in the monastery. At any point in the proceedings at which he has the option of leaving, the community has the option of dismissing him.

The effect of the monastic movement, both of the Benedictine order and of similar orders that grew out of it, has been enormous. We owe the preservation of the Holy Scriptures and other ancient writings in large measure to the patience and diligence of monastic scribes. In purely secular terms, their contribution was considerable. In Benedict's time, the chief source of power was muscle, whether human or animal. Ancient scholars apparently did not worry about labor-saving devices. The labor could always be done by oxen or slaves. But monks were both scholars and workers. A monk, after spending a few hours doing some laborious task by hand, was likely to think, "There must be a better way of doing this." The result was the systematic development of windmills and water wheels for grinding grain, sawing wood, pumping water, and so on. The rotation of crops (including legumes) and other agricultural advances were also originated or promoted by monastic farms. The monks, by their example, taught the dignity of labor and the importance of order and planning.

A prayer of thanksgiving for Benedict
Almighty and everlasting God, whose precepts are the wisdom of a loving Father: Give us grace, following the teaching and example of your servant Benedict, to walk with loving and willing hearts in the school of the Lord's service; let your ears be open to our prayers; and prosper with your blessing the work of our hands; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Announcements for the Week 07/07/2024- 07/13/2024
Raising Funds for Sovereign King Academy:  We need your support to establish a school dedicated to helping parents educate their children in the Lord. Whether or not you plan to send your children to this school, this is a chance to love your neighbor (who may want to make use of this) and contribute to a worthy cause for the future. We ask that any donations be above and beyond your tithe to the church.  Give at https://www.sovereignkingchurch.com/donate.   

Announcing Sovereign King Church Nursery:   We are pleased to announce that starting the first Sunday in July, we will be able to have a nursery available on Sunday mornings for children ages 1-3.  This is a tool to help parents train up their children to worship the Lord.   Read more about the nursery here:  https://www.sovereignkingchurch.com/blog/2024/06/26/announcing-our-nursery

Sexual Abuse Prevention Policy:    In an effort to maintain a safe environment for our children at Sovereign King Church, the session has adopted the following Sexual Abuse Prevention Policy. Please take time to read the policy:  https://www.sovereignkingchurch.com/blog/2024/07/03/sexual-abuse-prevention-policy

Prayer Concerns:
  • Expectant Mothers: We request special prayers for Gabby Fluhr and Emily Leupp.  
  • New Babies:  Rowina Spurgeon, Shawn Crone, and Maddie Sands have had their babies.  Be praying for these mommas as they recover and for the little ones to grow healthy and strong in the Lord.
  • Church of the King (Evansville):  Pray that God would give pastor Jake Mentzel wisdom and strength as he leads Church of the King in Evansville. .  Pray for continued growth in numbers and maturity.  Ask God to protect the peace of the church by defending them from temptations to sin and to strife.  Pray for all the little children of the church that God would give them faith from a young age.  
  • Sovereign King Nursery We are excited about launching our nursery on Sunday mornings to help families train their children in worshiping the Lord.  The nursery will provide children ages 1-3 with age-appropriate bible teaching, catechism instruction, and practice for worship during the sermon on Sunday Mornings.  Please pray for Kellie Sabie as she oversees the nursery.  Pray for all the volunteers that they would teach well and set a good example.  Also lift up the children and families that will make use of it as well as those families who may decide not to use it.   Pray that the church will be unified and at peace on whatever position they take about using the nursery. 
  • Jeffersonville City Council Jacky Snelling: The Holy Spirit, speaking through the Apostle Paul, teaches us to pray for those in authority. Scripture says, "First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity." Pray for Councilman Snelling, that he would uphold God’s law and make judgments that are wise, godly, and good. Pray that he would desire to see Jeffersonville submit to the Kingship of Jesus. Pray that the entire council would repent for allowing sexually perverse pride events to be held in public in Jeffersonville. Pray for his family.

Growing Kids God’s Way  Sunday Evenings in June 5-7 PM
Nursery This is for ages 1-3.   The children will be dismissed right after the doxology so that they will still be in a large part of the service.  Please send an email to Chris.Mix@sovereignkingchurch.com  with your children’s name, DOB, and sex.    
All Hallow’s Reformation Feast Team Meeting July 9@ 7PM.  If you would like to help serve on our team planning our annual reformation celebration, please let Pastor Joseph know.
Farmer’s Market Outreach July 13
Family Ministry Night July 17
Elders Training July 20
Genevan Pub July 21
Men and Boys Camping Trip August 30-31

For more information and updates, please visit our website
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