July 14-20th Family Worship Guide 2024

The Guide for the Week July 14- 20th  2024

Bible Passage for the Week
Proverbs 23:22-28
2 Corinthians 4
1 Samuel 23:15-29
Psalm 134

Verse to Memorize
Acts 4:12 
Westminster Shorter Catechism
Q. 21. Who is the Redeemer of God’s elect?
A. The only Redeemer of God’s elect is the Lord Jesus Christ, who, being the eternal Son of God, became man and so was, and continueth to be, God and man in two distinct natures, and one person, forever.

People to Pray for
Church:  Reformation Church
                 Pastor Jerry Dorris
Ministry:  Sovereign King Family Ministry
Civil Magistrate: Jeffersonville City Council
                                Evan Stoner
Notes for Parents:
Proverbs 23:22-28
Verse 26 Give me your heart, my son, And let your eyes delight in my ways.
Do you remember when your child entered this world and you held him for the first time Words fail to capture the depth of that feeling. The love you have for your son or daughter defies quantification or description. Before you had children, you had an idea about how you might feel about them, but holding them in your hands and looking in their eyes, nothing can explain that to a person who hasn’t done it. You simply can’t fathom loving another person the same way And then, when more children come, your love doesn't divide or diminish—it multiplies. Your heart expands to love each one fully.

Children naturally love their parents. They seek to please their mother and father. Just as you can hold them physically, you hold their hearts. Yet, this may not always remain so. As they grow, you will compete for your child's affections. Some of this is necessary for their maturation into teenagers and young adults. They need to become their own person. Their hearts will expand, sharing love with others.

However, be aware that the forces of darkness and the powers of this world are conspiring to steal your children's hearts. False friends, flatterers, and adulterous women lurk like thieves, ready to steal, kill, and destroy.

Solomon worked tirelessly to keep his son's heart. He pleaded with his son to listen and not despise his father or mother. Solomon desired his son's heart so that he would delight in wisdom and God's commands. He aimed to shield him from temptation and guide him to faithful obedience to the Father above. He wanted his son's heart not just for himself, but for our Heavenly Father.  He wanted his son to be wise and godly so that he might rejoice in his son and be glad.

This is the work of fatherhood. We must work to keep our children’s hearts. We can’t do this by smothering them with a helicopter parent attitude. We can’t do this by making sure that they must follow our dreams for their future. No, you can’t fight against nature. But you can keep their hearts by your love, your affection, your good example, your instruction in the Lord’s commands, your wise guidance, and your discipline. It's okay to let your teenage son know that you want his heart. It’s good to tell them that you want them to make you proud. It’s good to say, "Let your mom rejoice in you and the decisions you make." It's crucial to combat the forces of darkness that seek to infiltrate your home and lead them astray.
There is much work to be done, but isn't it worth it?   You can’t always hold them in your arms like when they were babies, but you can hold their heart until your time to leave this world draws near.  May the Lord grant us the grace to see our children and children’s children walking in the Lord. Pray for this.  

2 Corinthians 4
Verse 7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;

Have you ever stopped to consider exactly how ridiculous it is what Christians do on Sunday mornings? We gather in buildings wherever we may be found and have a mere man get up in front of the congregation and speak for 30-60 minutes to us about what God wants us to do or believe. I think about my congregation in small town Indiana, hearing a bald middle-aged man from West Virginia tell them what God is commanding them to do. I say it is ridiculous because they are listening to a nobody in nowhere USA tell them what the God who created the entire universe is saying. It’s incredulous until you stop and consider that this is exactly the plan of God. He takes the greatest treasure ever known, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and places it in clay pots. Who in the world puts a great treasure in such a common creation? God does. He entrusts the preaching of his word to men all over the world who are from nowhere, with nothing of importance to themselves, so that the greatness of his power will be perfectly clear. That is so when you hear the gospel preached, believe the truth, and have your life saved, you cannot and should not attribute it to anything or anyone else other than to the power and might of God. It isn’t by the wisdom of your pastor that you are saved. It isn’t by the eloquence of the preacher that your sins are forgiven. It is by the glorious power of God Almighty and the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Because God does this, then let every pastor be humbled. Let us all join the apostle Paul in renouncing “the things hidden because of shame and not walking in craftiness or adulterating the word of God (vs 2).” That is, let us not be constantly chasing after cleverness but after the clear and plain-spoken proclamation of the word of God. It is the word of God which is to be proclaimed. No one cares nor should they care about the mere speculations or opinions of a pastor. They care about hearing the life-giving, wonder-working power of the truth of God. This is why we gather together on Sunday. And it’s not ridiculous. It’s amazing. Give God thanks for faithful preaching.

Finally, let this also humble the proud man who refused to heed the words of a preacher.  God chooses to use common men.  He could have chosen angels to preach to you. He could have you gather each week to hear as he spoke to you audibly from heaven.  But you are sinful man and you need the humility of listening to and submitting to other weak men.   You need to be humbled so that you can be made fit for eternity.  If you want the treasure, you have to get it from where Christ puts it.

1 Samuel 23:15-29
Things seem to be going from bad to worse for David. He had to flee from one city after another because of Saul. As he hides out in Ziph, the people there betray him. They want to gain favor with Saul, who is all too happy to have them do his bidding. Saul is so delusional that he still thinks God is with him. He tells these wicked traitors that the Lord will bless them for their evil. Jesus warned his disciples that there would be people who persecuted them and thought they were doing the Lord’s work in killing them. The devil loves it if he can get men to be sanctimonious about their sin. Consider how President Biden often speaks of God yet continues to push wicked policies that grieve the Lord.

The chase is on, and Saul is getting closer. You can imagine this section as a scene out of the Lord of the Rings. David is on one side of a mountain, and Saul is on another. David is trying to get away, but Saul and his men are surrounding him. It is only a matter of time. But then, the Lord works again for David. The Philistines begin raiding the homeland, and Saul, nearly yards away, must give up the pursuit to defend against the Philistines. David called the mountain where he narrowly avoided capture, the Rock of Escape.

Our God is the Rock of Escape. When our enemies seem to have us surrounded, when the devil and all his darkness seem to have us trapped in temptation for the destruction of our soul, we can look to God and escape. God always provides a way for his children to resist the devil. He always provides a way, no matter how dark it is, for there to be hope.
Those who look to God in faith will never lose hope. They will never be fully defeated. They will never be forsaken. God is the Rock of Escape.

Psalm 134
This is the last of the songs of ascent—the songs that would be sung on the way up to the temple mount on your way to worship the Lord. It is a fitting conclusion as it calls on the ministers to continue their work even into the night. Some argue that this is a dialogue between the congregation and the ministers, or between the pilgrims who come to the temple and those who live and work there. The pilgrim coming to worship calls on the ministers to bless and worship God, and the ministers respond with a blessing to the pilgrims.

Charles Spurgeon says that this Psalm was also sung on the way out of worship. It’s recited as festive pilgrims leave the temple, bidding farewell to the caretakers of the sanctuary. In return, the priests call out their blessing on the departing pilgrims.
It could have been sung both on the way in and the way out. Either way, we can learn several things from this psalm.

It is good to worship the Lord when we wake and when we lay down for sleep. Let us bless the Lord at night with prayers and meditations on His word. There is nothing greater to rest your mind than the word of God.

We also learn that it is good for the congregation to pray for those who minister to them. It is good to pray that they will continue to bless the Lord into the night. That is, pray for them to persevere in their work. As your pastor, I covet these prayers. Please pray for me and for Pastor Greg, that we would not grow weary of the work. Pray that we would finish the race strong. Pray that we fight temptation and continue to bless the Lord into the night of our lives.

We also will continue to pray that the Lord bless you. May the Lord bless you this week with growth in holiness, a comfort and joy that is unexplainable, and with long life and prosperity by the mercy and grace of Christ Jesus.

Example Prayers for Weekly Prayer Concerns
Prayer for Expectant Mothers:

Heavenly Father, we lift up Gabby Fluhr and Emily Leupp to You. As they carry the precious gift of new life, we ask for Your protection and strength over them. Grant them health, peace, and a steadfast trust in Your providence. May their hearts be filled with joy and anticipation as they await the arrival of their little ones. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

Prayer for New Babies:
Lord God, we give thanks for the new lives of Rowina Spurgeon, Shawn Crone, and Maddie Sands. Bless these mothers as they recover, and grant them strength and wisdom as they nurture their children. We pray for these infants to grow healthy and strong, rooted in Your truth and love. May their homes be filled with Your grace and peace. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Prayer for Reformation Church Shelbyville:
Father, we praise You for the new home of Reformation Church in Shelbyville. We ask for Your blessings on this transition, that the building be filled with faithful and joyful believers. Empower Pastor Jerry Dorris with wisdom and courage as he leads this congregation. May their light shine brightly in the community, drawing many to the truth of the gospel. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

Prayer for Sovereign King Family Ministry:
Almighty God, we thank You for the families of Sovereign King Church. We pray for joyful homes, where marriages reflect the gospel and children are raised in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Strengthen Pastor Greg as he leads the family ministry, and equip us all to support parents and children in their spiritual growth. May our families glorify You in all things. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Prayer for Jeffersonville City Council:
Lord of all, we lift up Councilman Evan Stoner and the Jeffersonville City Council to You. We pray for wisdom and godliness as they make decisions, and for a heart of repentance for the sinful pride events held in their community. Turn their hearts towards Your law and Kingship, that they may lead with integrity and righteousness. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

Church History Spotlight
Olga and Vladimir, First Christian Rulers of Russia
15 July 1015

Olga (or Helga), born in about 890, was the wife of Prince Igor of Russia, and after his death in 945 she was regent for their son. She appears to have ruled well by secular standards. In 957 she visited Constantinople and, either then or earlier, became a Christian. She did not succeed in converting her son, or a significant number of their countrymen. She died in 969, probably on 11 July.

Vladimir, great-grandson of Rurik (the traditional founder of the Russian state), grandson of Olga, and youngest of the three sons of Sviatoslav of Kiev, was born in 956 and was made Prince of Novgorod in 970. In 972 his father died, and the three sons fought for the crown. Yaropolk killed Oled, and Vladimir fled to his Viking kinsmen in Scandinavia. In 980 he returned with Viking support, killed Yaropolk, and took the throne. He expanded his empire by a series of conquests. In 988, he proposed a military alliance with the Byzantine emperor Basil II, and a marriage to the emperor's sister Anna. In return, he agreed to convert to Christianity. The agreement was made, Vladimir was baptized, and when the emperor reneged on the marriage, Vladimir invaded the Crimea. The marriage duly took place and the alliance prospered.

Vladimir took his Christian commitment seriously, and under his rule the Christianization of Russia proceeded rapidly. He put away his former collection of pagan wives and mistresses, destroyed idols and pagan temples, built churches and monasteries and schools, brought in Greek missionaries to educate his people, abolished or greatly restricted capital punishment, and gave lavish alms to the poor. Some of his former pagan wives and their sons raised an armed rebellion against him, in the course of which he was killed near Kiev, 15 July 1015. He and his grandmother Olga are honored as the founders of Russian Christianity.

A prayer of thanksgiving for Olga and Vladimir, First Christian Rulers of Russia
O God, who called your servants Olga and her grandson Vladimir to an earthly throne that they might advance your heavenly kingdom, and gave them zeal for your Church and love for your people: Mercifully grant that we who commomorate them this day may be fruitful in good works, and attain to the glorious crown of your saints; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Announcements for the Week 07/14/2024- 07/20/2024
Sovereign King Church Nursery:   We are pleased to report that the first week of our nursery was a success. The volunteers enjoyed working with several children, and it was heartening to hear from my own sons about their lessons on the fruit of the Spirit. The nursery serves as a valuable resource for parents with young children during the sermon, providing age-appropriate instruction and fostering skills that will help them integrate into the congregation during the preaching of the Word. Read more about the nursery here:  https://www.sovereignkingchurch.com/blog/2024/06/26/announcing-our-nursery

Recommended Article:    The Chocolate Soldier by CT Studd.  
This is an encouraging and convicting article about being a faithful Christian who stands firm under temptation and persecution.   May none of us being Chocolate Soldiers.

Prayer Concerns:
  • Expectant Mothers: We request special prayers for Gabby Fluhr and Emily Leupp. 
  • New Babies:  Rowina Spurgeon, Shawn Crone, and Maddie Sands have welcomed their new babies. Pray for these mothers as they recover and for their little ones to grow healthy and strong in the Lord.
  • Reformation Church Shelbyville:  Reformation Church has recently purchased and renovated a building in downtown Shelbyville. They held their first service in the new location this past Sunday. Please pray for a smooth transition and for God to fill the building with faithful and joyful Christians. Pray for Pastor Jerry Dorris as he leads the church in this new chapter, and that they continue to be a light to the community.
  • Sovereign King Family Ministry At Sovereign King Church, we cherish seeing families grow together in Christ. We desire joyful homes with marriages that showcase the gospel and children raised in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Pray for Pastor Greg as he leads our family ministry, and may God help us support parents and children in their spiritual growth.
  • Jeffersonville City Council Evan Stoner The Holy Spirit, speaking through the Apostle Paul, teaches us to pray for those in authority. Pray for Councilman Stoner to uphold God’s law with wisdom and godliness, and to seek Jeffersonville's submission to the Kingship of Jesus. Mr. Stoner is responsible for creating the Southern Indiana pride events that are so sinful and wicked.  Pray that the entire council would repent for allowing sexually perverse pride events to be held in public in Jeffersonville. 

Growing Kids God’s Way  Sunday Evenings in June 5-7 PM
Nursery Children (1-3 years old) will be dismissed after the doxology.
Family Ministry Night July 17
Elders Training July 20
Genevan Pub July 21
Nursing Home Ministry August 5
Men and Boys Camping Trip August 30-31

For more information and updates, please visit our website
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