August 11- 17th Family Worship Guide 2024

The Guide for the Week August 11-17th 2024

Bible Passage for the Week
Proverbs 24:21-29
2 Corinthians 8
1 Samuel 25
Psalm 138

Verse to Memorize
Hebrews 4:14-16
Westminster Shorter Catechism
Q. 24. How doth Christ execute the office of a prophet?
A. Christ executeth the office of a prophet, in revealing to us, by his Word and Spirit, the will of God for our salvation.

Who to pray for
Church:  Clearnote Church
                Pastor Dave Abu-sara
Ministry:  Operation Save America
                          Jason Storms
Civil Magistrate: Jeffersonville City Council
                                              Scott Anderson
Notes for Parents:
Proverbs 24:21-29

Verse 27 Prepare your work outside And make it ready for yourself in the field; Afterwards, then, build your house.

Matthew Henry is helpful on this verse:  “This is a rule of prudence in the management of household affairs; for all good men should be good husbands, and manage with discretion, which would prevent a great deal of sin, and trouble, and disgrace to their profession. 1. We must prefer necessaries before conveniences, and not lay that out for show which should be expended for the support of the family. We must be contented with a mean cottage for a habitation, rather than want, or go in debt for, food convenient. 2. We must not think of building till we can afford it: “First apply thyself to thy work without in the field; let thy ground be put into good order; look after thy husbandry, for it is that by which thou must get; and, when thou hast got well by that, then, and not till then, thou mayest think of rebuilding and beautifying thy house, for that is it upon which, and in which, thou wilt have occasion to spend.” Many have ruined their estates and families by laying out money on that which brings nothing in, beginning to build when they were not able to finish.”
In other words, we must do the necessary work before we begin to enjoy the fruit of our labor. We must put necessities above other things. Many people go into debt because they spend on things that are not needed, and when necessity strikes, they don’t have anything. Let us be wise.

The same truth can apply spiritually. We must do the basics of the faith before we can enjoy the deeper things. Many people want to read the deepest theological books and get involved in debates about this or that minor issue. Meanwhile, they have not mastered the basics of reading scripture and praying. They haven’t, with that foundation, understood that good instruction should move them to love and good deeds done in faith. When we stand before God, God is not going to say, "Well done, you read another book," but, "Well done, you served your hungry brother in Christ."

2 Corinthians 8
Verse 24 Therefore openly before the churches, show them the proof of your love and of our reason for boasting about you.

This letter to the church at Corinth had several purposes. It was a follow-up on the last letter to encourage them to welcome back the repenting man that Paul had told them to kick out in the last letter. Paul also defends his apostleship and thus the gospel he preached in the letter. In addition, this letter is something like a fundraising letter. Paul is raising funds for the work of the gospel and, in particular, for help of the church in Jerusalem. The Christians in Jerusalem were suffering intense persecution from the Jews, and many were poor. Paul was raising funds to provide relief to these brethren but also to build up the unity of the broader church. The Gentile churches were helping the churches filled with Jews. This fostered solidarity and showed the love that the Church has for its members.

Paul opens chapter 8 by praising the Macedonian churches for their generosity. Though they were poor themselves, they gave lavishly and cheerfully. Paul did not have to constantly nag them for money. He didn’t threaten them. They gave because God had richly blessed them with His grace.

My family and I have been reading through the end of the book of Exodus. We often think of the book as merely the story of Moses leading the people out of Egypt. But the last third of the book is about the construction of the tabernacle (the place of worship) and all the things associated with it. Moses gave out a call for people to voluntarily give of their own gold and other precious resources. Scripture explicitly says that all those God will move in their hearts will give. There was no specific requirement for each person, but only to give as God moved them. This was above and beyond the tithe, which was required to be given by law. When you read this, you wonder who is going to give. You think about how stingy people are, and you may question if they would ever have enough to build the tabernacle. But scripture says that so many people gave that Moses had to tell them to stop. They were all being moved by the Holy Spirit, and they gave of their gold and other valuable resources. They gave of their time and talents to building up the tabernacle.

The Macedonian church was like this. Furthermore, it is how we should be. We should be generous people. We should make sure to give to the work of the Lord. With inflation and other economic issues, it can be hard to want to do this. But God still loves a cheerful giver. We ought to be willing to make sure that the house of God is built up and sustained.
Giving of our money to the church is a good proof of our love for the church. Giving of our time to serving and helping is also a good proof of our love for the church. And that is a good proof of our love for Christ.

Psalm 138

Verse 6 For though the Lord is exalted, Yet He regards the lowly, But the haughty He knows from afar.

In this Psalm, David praises God for hearing and answering his call in times of distress. He declares in verse 3, “On the day I called, You answered me; You made me bold with strength in my soul.” When God intervenes in a person's life, rescuing them from sin, it transforms them from being weak and passive to being bold and strong. As Christians, we should embody this boldness, knowing that the great God of all glory is our Father. He rescues us from sin, forgives us, cleanses us from shame, and will ultimately destroy our enemies. Therefore, we stand boldly to proclaim God's truths and resist the devil, living righteously.

However, boldness should not be confused with arrogance. The Lord values humility and regards the lowly. God is close to the humble but keeps His distance from the proud. We must not boast in our strength or intelligence, for compared to God's infinite wisdom and strength, we are nothing. Even the mightiest in the world are weaker than God's weakest (though He has no weakness). The humble recognize their need for the Lord and understand they are sinners with no hope without Him. They prioritize others above themselves, do not harbor grudges, and readily admit their faults. They find contentment in others' success. God lifts up the humble, while the proud are kept at a distance and eventually cast away from His presence.

As we delve into God's Word, let us be emboldened and strengthened in the Lord. Strive to grow in the knowledge of God, resist pride, and remember that God resists the proud. Think less of yourself and more of others, dedicating yourself to doing good. Praise the name of the Lord and encourage as many as you can to do the same.

Example Prayers for Weekly Prayer Concerns
Prayer for Expectant Mothers
Heavenly Father, we lift up Gabby Fluhr, Emily Leupp, and Christina Puryear, who are expecting new life. We ask You to cover them with Your protection and grace. Grant them strength, health, and peace as they await the arrival of their children. May their hearts be filled with joy and their homes with love. Bless these mothers and their families, that they may glorify You in this season of anticipation. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, we pray. Amen.

Prayer for Clearnote Church
Almighty God, we pray for Pastor David Abu-Sara and the elders of Clearnote Church. Grant them wisdom, holy zeal, and protection from all forms of temptation, discouragement, and discontentment. Surround their families and children with Your divine love and care. As Pastor David prepares to speak at the men’s conference, we ask for Your guidance and blessing. May this conference be well-attended and greatly edify the men of Sovereign King Church. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

Prayer for Operation Save America
Lord of Life, we bring before You Jason Storms and his work with Operation Save America. Thank You for the outreach, training, and legislative efforts being made to combat the evil of abortion. We praise You for the committed leadership team and the blessing of family ministry. Guide Jason and his family as they consider joining a church plant in Florida and other options. Bless their current fellowship in Grafton, WI. We ask for Your continued provision, protection, and wisdom in this time of transition. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Prayer for Jeffersonville City Council
Sovereign Lord, we pray for Scott Anderson and the Jeffersonville City Council. By Your Spirit, guide them to uphold Your law with wisdom and godliness. May they seek to bring Jeffersonville under the Kingship of Jesus Christ. We ask for their repentance for allowing sexually perverse pride events, and that they would fear Your holiness and embrace the gospel. Lead them to make decisions that honor You and reflect Your truth. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Church History Spotlight
Hippolytus, Bishop, Scholar, and Martyr
12 August 235

Hippolytus, martyred around 235, was a scholar who wrote in Greek, but was resident in or near Rome. Some Eastern writers refer to him as the Bishop of Rome, but he is not on the list of Bishops of Rome at that time. Moreover, his surviving works include a severe censure of Callistus, Bishop of Rome, whose life, if Hippolytus is correct, includes some scandalous episodes.

His best known work is the Philosophoumena, a refutation of various Gnostic heresies. He also wrote a commentary on the book of Daniel, and a work called The Apostolic Tradition, which complains that public worship is getting very sloppy, and explains in detail how church services ought to be conducted, and were conducted back in the Good Old Days. It is one of our most valuable sources of information on the worship of the early Church.

A prayer of thanksgiving for Hippolytus.
O God, who have enlightened your Church by the teaching of your servant Hippolytus: Enrich us evermore, we pray, with your heavenly grace, and raise up faithful witnesses who by their life and doctrine will set forth the truth of your salvation; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Announcements for the 08/11/2024- 08/17/2024
Recommended Video:   My family and I have been reading through the Bible together each day, and we are currently in the book of Leviticus. The end of Exodus and the beginning of Leviticus can be challenging to understand as they detail the construction of the tabernacle, the making of the altars, the creation of priestly garments, and the instructions for various sacrifices. I found a YouTube video that helps visualize these chapters, making them easier to grasp. I’m sharing the first chapter of Leviticus here. While the narrator has a bit of an accent, the visual aids are a good help to engaging with the text, especially for the children. Take a look and see if it helps you too.

Prayer Concerns:
  • Expectant Mothers We request special prayers for Gabby Fluhr, Emily Leupp and Christina Puryear

  • Clearnote Church  Pray for pastor David Abu-Sara and the elders at Clearnote  church.  Ask God to grant them wisdom and holy zeal.  Pray for protection from temptation, discouragement, or discontentment.  Keep in mind the families and children of the church.  Pastor David will be speaking at our conference in the fall.  Pray for the men’s conference that it will be well-attended and useful for the men of Sovereign King Church.

  • Operation Save America  Jason Storms is the director of Operation Save America, a ministry that comes along side the church to help fight the evil of abortion.   He recently sent out this update on he and his family: I am continuing to run Operation Save America. We’ve been doing outreach, training, and political and legislative work in numerous states across the country. We’ve built a great leadership team of volunteers who labor in this battle with us. I am also greatly blessed to be able to do this ministry with my family. We have been able to take many trips together, ministering on the streets together. What a blessing! We are still praying about joining a church plant in Florida, while also exploring some other options around the country. In the meantime, we have found a church we enjoy close to our home in Grafton, WI. Your prayers are very much appreciated for our family in this time of transition.

  • Jeffersonville City Council Scott Anderson  The Holy Spirit, speaking through the Apostle Paul, instructs us to pray for those in authority. Please pray for Jeffersonville City Councilmember Scott Anderson to uphold God's law with wisdom and godliness, and to seek Jeffersonville's submission to the Kingship of Jesus. Pray that the entire council would repent for permitting sexually perverse pride events to be held publicly in Jeffersonville. Pray that they will fear the holiness of God and cling to the gospel for their hope.
Growing Kids God’s Way  Sunday Evenings in June 5-7 PM
Nursery Children (1-3 years old) may go to nursery after the doxology.  
Farmers Market Outreach- August 10 at 9 AM.  
Elders Training August 17
Genevan Pub August 18
Men and Boys Camping Trip August 30-31
Ladies Retreat September 27-28 Heavenly Hills Lodge 7580 Rounds Rd  underwood, IN 4177
All Hallows Reformation Feast- October 26   The team will meet August 6th via Zoom
The Patriarchy Conference- November 8-9 While one conference cannot undo years of neglect nor teach all that is required for a man to become a godly patriarch, the Patriarchy Conference, hosted by Sovereign King Church and the Patriarchy Podcast, exists to encourage men in the work of building, fighting, protecting, and leading. It aims to provide practical instruction grounded in the wisdom of God's Word and the Holy Spirit, helping men grow into patriarchs. It's time to smash the effeminacy. Long live the patriarchy!
For more information and updates, please visit our website
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