August 18-24th Family Worship Guide 2024

The Guide for the Week August 18-24th 2024

Bible Passage for the Week
Proverbs 24:30-34
2 Corinthians 9
1 Samuel 26
Psalm 139

Verse to Memorize

Hebrews 4:14-16
Westminster Shorter Catechism
Q. 25. How doth Christ execute the office of a priest?
A. Christ executeth the office of a priest, in his once offering up of himself a sacrifice to satisfy divine justice, and reconcile us to God; and in making continual intercession for us.

Who to pray for
Church:  Christ Church Cincy
                Pastor Joseph Bayly
Ministry:  Sovereign King Academy
Civil Magistrate: Jeffersonville City Council
                                Donna Reed
Notes for Parents:
Proverbs 24:30-34
 A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to rest,
The Bible is intensely practical. While we often separate spiritual matters from the realities of daily life, imagining spiritual things as distant and lofty, Scripture does not. Yes, the Bible commands us to set our hope on heaven, but it also teaches that the spiritual life is lived out on earth. The spiritual man must be a practical man. And one thing he cannot be is a lazy man.

The Proverbs condemn laziness. The lazy man is not a wise man. He is a fool. He is akin to the fool who says that there is no God. Wait a second, did I just compare a lazy man to an atheist? Absolutely. The lazy man lives as though God does not exist, neglecting the truth that God holds him accountable for the people, responsibilities, and possessions entrusted to him. He lounges about as if there is no Judge awaiting his answer. He may not proclaim with his lips that there is no God, but his actions shout it loudly.

This passage exposes the visible fruit of laziness and its inevitable consequences. Laziness always bears bitter fruit. Look at the lazy man’s house, his car, his workplace—each is a testament to neglect. His fields are overgrown. His walls are crumbling. His house is dilapidated. His yard is choked with weeds. His tools gather dust. His vehicle is filthy and uncared for.  You can see it even in the way he dresses.

What is the result of this? Poverty. The lazy man will lack in this life, and what little he has will slip through his fingers.

The spiritual man, however, is the opposite. He knows that God has entrusted him with much. God gave His only Son to free him from sin—how could he squander such a gift? The wise man understands that God will call him to account. He works with diligence, investing the five talents he has received to produce ten. Think you only have two talents? Then invest them to produce four. Only one talent? Invest that one and make it two. To say you have nothing to invest is a lie. God has provided you with everything you need to live a godly life. Do not be lazy. Have godly ambition. Make the most of every earthly thing God has given you as a faithful steward.

2 Corinthians 9

Verse 6-7 Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 7 Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

As I mentioned in our guide last week, one purpose of the letter to the church in Corinth was to be a fundraiser for the work of ministry in Jerusalem. The church there was suffering immense persecution, which resulted in members losing their property and ability to provide for themselves. The church was in dire need. The Apostle Paul wanted the churches in Corinth to be willing to help their brothers in Jerusalem. They owed a great debt to the saints there, as the gospel had come to the Corinthians by way of the work of the Christians from Jerusalem. It is a principle that those who are blessed by the work of someone else should share the fruits of that labor with the worker. Paul, in another passage of Scripture, shares a law from the Old Testament that says you should not muzzle the ox when you are using it in the field. That is, the ox has a right to eat from the fruit of its work. If an animal has that right, how much more so the people who share the gospel with us?
Paul, in 2 Corinthians, doesn’t give a direct quote but alludes to another Old Testament passage: Proverbs 11:24-25 — “There is one who scatters, and yet increases all the more, and there is one who withholds what is justly due, and yet it results only in want. The generous man will be prosperous, and he who waters will himself be watered.” The truth is that those who are generous, God blesses with more to be generous with. Those who are stingy, God often takes even what they have. We need to learn this principle and work hard to be generous. And we should do so with a joyful heart. God loves a cheerful giver. And don’t we have a lot to be cheerful about?

But what about inflation, high taxes, and the financial situation around us? Obviously, the principles from Scripture don’t apply nowadays. Wrong! The Christians in Corinth and the rest of Asia Minor were living during tough times in the Roman Empire. They faced high taxes and difficult financial situations. It was not yet fully legal for them to be Christian. Furthermore, we have more riches than they did. We have bigger houses, indoor plumbing, air conditioning, vehicles, internet, TV, refrigeration, indoor stoves, and on and on. We have a lot to be cheerful about.

We still need to be generous and cheerful givers. We should give to the work of the church even in difficult times and trust that God will and does provide for us. It can be hard to trust God — we all fail at this when we see hard times. But God never fails us.
One practical application for you is to teach your children to give their tithes and offerings. Get a jar, and anytime they receive money — a birthday gift, selling lemonade, odd jobs, or other gifts — have them put aside 10% in the jar to give at church on Sunday. Teach them that this belongs to the Lord and that it is part of worship. Children love having money to put in the offering plate on Sunday. As your children grow older and get jobs of their own, work to teach them these principles. Generous people are often wealthy people. Greedy people always end up miserable.

Psalm 139

Verse 4 Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O Lord, You know it all.
“God is infinite, eternal, and unchanging in his being….”  Westminster Shorter Catechism

When we think about God, we tend to think of Him as being located somewhere up there in the clouds, in outer space, or just in heaven. He seems far away. Scripture teaches us that God is infinite, which means there is no end to His being. He is omnipresent. This means that God is present anywhere and everywhere. He is present in all of creation, and yet He isn’t the creation. He is also over and above creation. It is hard to get our heads around because we are finite. We can only be in one place at one time. God is everywhere all at once. And yet no place can contain Him. The highest heavens are too small for Him. He is infinite in His being.

And He is infinite in His wisdom. There is nothing He does not know. He knows all past things, all present facts, and all of the future. God knows it all, down to the last detail.  God knows us intimately in part because He formed us in the womb.  He fearfully and wonderfully made us.
The Psalm writer in this Psalm praises the infinite being, knowledge, and power of God. He says that God knows everything about him. He knows what he is doing and what he will do. He knows what he will say before the word is formed on his tongue. He also declares that there is nowhere he can go to be away from God. He could take a rocket ship to the farthest galaxy, and God is already there. He could take a submarine to the deepest part of the sea. He could even go to the depths of the dead. God is already there.

These truths about God should fill us with amazement and holy fear. We cannot hide our sins from God. We cannot hide our sinful thoughts from God. We cannot run away from His commands. God will slay the wicked. There will be no escape for those who hate the Lord and take His name in vain. The Psalm writer knows that God hates evil, and therefore he hates evil too.

God knows us intimately. Since God knows us better than we know ourselves, the Psalm writer ends the Psalm by asking God to search him for any hurtful way and to lead him instead in the way of life. We should pray that God will make known to us the depth of our sin, move us to hate it, and fear disobedience. We should ask God to help us live in light of the gospel and to have His thoughts be precious to us. Draw near to the God who is always at your right hand.

Example Prayers for Weekly Prayer Concerns
Prayer for Expectant Mothers

Heavenly Father, we lift up to You Gabby Fluhr, Emily Leupp, Christina Puryear, and Vivian Tocci as they carry the precious gift of new life within them. We ask that You protect these mothers and their unborn children, granting them health and strength. Fill these women with Your peace, guarding their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. May their trust in You grow as they prepare for the arrival of their children. Guide them with wisdom and surround them with loving support. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.

Prayer for Christ Church Cincinnati

Lord of all wisdom and might, we come before You on behalf of Pastor Joseph Bayly and the elders of Christ Church Cincinnati. Grant them wisdom, discernment, and a holy zeal as they shepherd Your flock. Protect them from the snares of temptation, discouragement, and discontentment. Strengthen their families and guard their hearts. As Pastor Joseph teaches at New Geneva Academy, we ask that You bless this endeavor and all those training to be pastors. May Your truth be faithfully taught and received. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer for Sovereign King Academy
Almighty God, we thank You for the upcoming launch of Sovereign King Academy. We lift up Pastor Greg Anglen and Mariah Adams as they prepare to teach and lead the children. May this academy be a tool in Your hands to raise up boys and girls into faithful men and women of God. Grant wisdom and diligence to the parents overseeing their children’s education and discipleship. We pray that You would bless the work of Pastor Greg as he raises funds and prepares the facility. May all be done for Your glory and in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for Jeffersonville City Councilmember Donna Reed
Righteous Judge and King, we pray for Jeffersonville City Councilmember Donna Reed. As Your Word commands, we lift her up, asking that she would uphold Your law with wisdom and godliness. May she seek the submission of Jeffersonville to the Kingship of Jesus Christ. Lord, we ask that she would come to a profound awareness of her sin and the greatness of Your love for sinners. Help her to fear Your holiness and cling to the gospel as her only hope. Guide her decisions to align with Your good commands. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Church History Spotlight
Helena, Empress and Widow 19 August 330
Today, we're going to learn about an amazing woman named Helena, who lived a long time ago, around the year 255. Helena was not just any woman—she was an empress, the mother of an emperor, and a faithful Christian who helped spread the truths of Jesus in important ways.

Who Was Helena?
Helena was born in a place called Drepanum, which is in a region we now call Turkey. Some people believe she might have been born in Britain, in a town named Colchester. Imagine that! If that’s true, Helena could have been born to a Christian family, because there were already many Christians living in Britain at that time.
When Helena grew up, she married a Roman general named Constantius Chlorus. Together, they had a son named Constantine, who would later become a very important emperor. But when Constantine was still young,—his father decided to leave Helena and marry someone else to strengthen his political position. Despite this hardship, Helena continued to be a strong and faithful woman.

Helena’s Faith and Constantine’s Rise:
After Helena's husband died, their son Constantine was declared emperor by the soldiers in York, a city in Britain. Constantine became very powerful, and one of the first things he did was to make Christianity legal. This was a huge deal because, before that, Christians were often jailed, beaten, or even killed for worshipping Jesus.

Helena’s Journey to the Holy Land:
Helena was so excited about her son’s decision that she wanted to do everything she could to help the Christian faith grow. She decided to travel to the Holy Land, where Jesus had lived, died, and risen from the dead. While she was there, she used her own money to help the poor and to build churches in the places where Jesus had walked.
One of the most amazing things Helena is remembered for is her discovery of what many believed to be the actual cross on which Jesus was crucified. This happened near a place called Calvary in Jerusalem, where Jesus was crucified. Today, there is a very important church built on that spot called the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Why Is Helena Important?
Helena’s life teaches us about faithfulness, even when things are hard. She faced challenges like her husband leaving her, but she stayed true to her faith in Jesus. She also teaches us about using what we have—whether it’s money, time, or talents—to help others and to glorify God.

Prayer thanking God for Helena 
Almighty God, who called your servant Helena to an earthly throne so that she might advance your heavenly kingdom, and filled her with zeal for your Church and love for your people; Grant to us your people that we may be fruitful in good works, and steadfast in our faith in you, and finally by your mercy may attain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and ever.

Announcements for the 08/18/2024- 08/24/2024
Recommended AudioBook:  If you have audible or like to listen to books, I can’t recommend “Leadership Strategy and Tactics: Field Manual” by Jocko Willink enough.  It is immensely practical and the wisdom mirrors much that is found in Scripture regarding leadership- humility and love for those you lead. I wish I could get every father to read this book.
Podcast: Check out the latest episode of the Patriarchy Podcast.     Can you support the abolition of abortion and vote for Donald Trump? Featuring Pastors Jerry Dorris and Tanner Cartwright.
Prayer Concerns:
  • Expectant Mothers: We request special prayers for Gabby Fluhr, Emily Leupp, Christina Puryear, and Vivian Tocci
  • Christ Church Cincinnati:  Pray for pastor Joseph Bayly and the elders at Christ Church.  Ask God to grant them wisdom and holy zeal.  Pray for protection from temptation, discouragement, or discontentment.  Keep in mind the families and children of the church.  Pastor Joseph will also be teaching a class at New Geneva Academy, the pastors’ college of our presbytery. Please pray that school and all those training to be pastors.   
  • Sovereign King Academy  We are just a couple weeks away from the very first semester of Sovereign King Academy.  Pastor Greg Anglen has been working to raise funds for the school and to get the facility ready.  We are excited to start the school and for the children to take part.  Pray for Pastor Greg Anglen and Mariah Adams as they teach the children.  Ask God to use this as a tool to raise up boys and girls into faithful men and women of God.  Pray for all the families of those who will attend that their parents will work hard to oversee their children’s education and discipleship.
  • Jeffersonville City Council Donna Reed  The Holy Spirit, speaking through the Apostle Paul, instructs us to pray for those in authority. Please pray for Jeffersonville City Councilmember Donna Reed to uphold God's law with wisdom and godliness, and to seek Jeffersonville's submission to the Kingship of Jesus. Pray that she would come to know the depth of her sin and the height of God’s love for sinners.  Ask God to help her fear the holiness of God and cling to the gospel for her only hope.  And then beseech him to have her make decisions based upon God’s good commands.
Growing Kids God’s Way 
You have the week off because of Genevan Pub
Nursery Children (1-3 years old) may go to nursery after the doxology.  
Family Ministry Night August 21 is the last of our Summer Series on Apologetics.   Come join us as Pastor Greg strengthens us in our defense of the faith.  Food starts at 6:00 PM.
Men and Boys Camping Trip September 6-7  at Deam Lake
Ladies Retreat September 27-28 Heavenly Hills Lodge 7580 Rounds Rd  underwood, IN 4177
All Hallows Reformation Feast- October 26  
The Patriarchy Conference- November 8-9 We are hosting a men's conference on November 8-9. The theme is "Become the Best Man Your Wife and Children Have Ever Known." There will be three different speakers giving talks on physical fitness/health, spiritual disciplines, and practical help on leading your family. We will also have Tim Bushong with us to lead us in worship. He is the one who wrote "Hail to Jesus." If you sign up before September 30 and use the code EARLYBIRD, you get $20 off. This is a low-cost conference compared to many others. We'd like to have full participation from the men of Sovereign King. Don't wait to register:
For more information and updates, please visit our website
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