September 1-7th Family Worship Guide 2024

The Guide for the Week September 1-7th  2024

Bible Passage for the Week
Proverbs 25:11-20
2 Corinthians 11
1 Samuel 27-28:2
Psalm 141
Verse to Memorize
Acts 17:30-31

Westminster Shorter Catechism
Q. 27. Wherein did Christ’s humiliation consist?
A. Christ’s humiliation consisted in his being born, and that in a low condition, made under the law, undergoing the miseries of this life, the wrath of God, and the cursed death of the cross; in being buried, and continuing under the power of death for a time.

Who to pray for
Church:  Christ Church Columbus
                Pastor Andy Halsey
Ministry:  Sovereign King Academy will start this week.
Civil Magistrate: Jeffersonville City Council
                                Scott Hawkins
Notes for Parents:
Proverbs 25:11-20 Like apples of gold in settings of silver Is a word spoken in right circumstances.

This week, I asked my children, "How many ears did God give you?" They answered, "Two." Then I asked, "How many mouths?" They all shouted, "One!" I followed up, "Why do you think that is?" And their answer struck home: "So we can listen more than we speak."
God could have easily given us two mouths. Imagine that for a moment—two mouths, on either side of our heads. But He didn’t. He gave us just one, and for good reason. The tongue, though one of the smallest parts of the body, wields incredible power. It can spark wars, stir up conflict, and even lead to destruction. That’s why we must be vigilant in how we use it.

Reckless words can cause untold damage. Timing matters. The right word, spoken at the right moment, can be life-changing. But a careless word? It's like trying to strip a coat from someone in the cold—you only make things worse. It’s not enough to just say what’s on your mind; we need to speak with purpose, wisdom, and precision. Our words should build up, not tear down.

But here's the hard truth—how often do we fail at this? How often do we speak when we should be listening? Fathers, how many times have we spoken harshly to our children? Wives, how often have you nagged your husbands? Scripture reminds us that even a soft tongue can break bones. If soft words can do that, imagine the devastation caused by harsh ones.

When we fail and hurt one another with our words, the right thing to say is, "I’m sorry. Will you forgive me?" Don’t let pride stop you from seeking forgiveness. And then, commit to change. Speak in a way that reflects your faith and honors God. Say what needs to be said, but make sure it’s the right thing, said at the right time, with the right intent.
Remember: Words have the power to bless or break. Choose wisely.

2 Corinthians 11
Verse 2 For I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy; for I betrothed you to one husband, so that to Christ I might present you as a pure virgin.

In the previous chapter, the Apostle Paul mentioned that there were false teachers slandering him as weak and timid. In this chapter, he makes it clear that this was a lie. This part of the letter is the Apostle Paul taking the saints at Corinth out to the woodshed. He rebukes them strongly for putting up with false teachers who lead them astray. They cozy up with preachers of another Jesus who can’t save while allowing slander of the apostle who brought them the gospel.

He asks sarcastically, “Did I sin against you when I was humble and exalted you?” “Was I wrong to have other churches provide my financial support so that I wouldn’t be a burden to you?” He is incredulous that they would be so quick to be taken in by false teachers who boast about their great deeds. They thought they were so wise and tolerant to put up with false teachers who enslaved them to legalism and took advantage of them. False teachers wanted their money, and they gladly gave it, all the while Paul was gentle with them.
He then goes on to forgo his usual decorum. He says that he speaks as a fool so that they might understand. Then he gives a list of all his accomplishments. He lays out his credentials so that they can see that he truly is an apostle.

Again, this chapter is filled with sarcasm and hard words. The Apostle defends his authority strongly. And we might be tempted to think it's unseemly for him to do so. But why does he do it? It’s because he is jealous to make sure that they follow Christ. He betrothed the church to only Christ, and he wants them presented pure and holy to Christ. He doesn’t want them to be taken in by false teachers. Therefore, he is willing to act foolishly, be harsh, and throw the kitchen sink in, in order that they may be saved.

This is the heart of a pastor. A pastor is jealous for his flock to follow only Christ. He is willing to be considered weak if need be. He is willing to be considered harsh. He’s willing to be considered foolish. His concern is not for himself but for the people of God. He will use all the tools in his toolbox to care for the sheep and keep them on the narrow path.
So how should you respond? Love your pastor and follow Christ. Receive the instruction, encouragement, admonition, and rebuke of your pastor and elders. Don’t despise them when they are weak. Don’t be too proud to receive even their foolishness. If they are pointing you to Christ, then follow Christ. He makes the weak strong and the fool wise. Don’t be led astray by boasters and lovers of self who would fleece the flock. Don’t be taken in by false shepherds and wolves. They don’t love you, and they won’t lower themselves for you. They won’t dare be foolish to keep you following Christ. They are too proud.

Psalm 141
Psalm 141:2: "May my prayer be counted as incense before You; The lifting up of my hands as the evening offering."
Do you like the smell of incense? Some love it; others hate it. I’ve always enjoyed it. When I visited Jerusalem, the whole city was rich with the fragrance of spices and incense. I bought some with me. Guess what, found out that my wife is one of those who doesn’t like it. In the Old Testament, the temple was filled with the smoke of burning incense, perhaps masking the odor of the countless animals offered in sacrifice. But this wasn’t incidental; it was God’s command, to be followed with precision.

Revelation also describes incense as a picture of prayer. The prayers of the persecuted church rise like the smoke of incense before God. An angel gathers this incense, mixing it with the wrath of God, and then hurls it to earth as fire, bringing judgment on His enemies.
This imagery wasn’t new to Revelation. King David also likened his prayers to incense. He prayed constantly, his "incense" always rising before the Lord. When our prayers ascend in Christ's name, they too are a sweet aroma before God—He hears them and honors them.
David’s prayers weren’t just for deliverance or provision. He earnestly asked God to guard his lips and keep his heart from evil. His prayers echo the very words Christ taught us: "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

How often do you pray? Is it only in times of crisis? Only when your financial situation grows tight? Yes, bring your needs to the Lord. Ask for your daily bread. But don’t neglect to pray as David did—asking God to protect you from your own sin and the snares of temptation. Every day is a battle, and our weapon is prayer. Let your life be more fragrant with the incense of constant prayer than all the spice markets of Jerusalem.
Example Prayer  for Weekly Prayer Concerns
Prayer for Expectant Mothers:
Heavenly Father, we come before You with gratitude and reverence, lifting up Gabby, Emily, Christina, and Vivian as they await the gift of new life. We thank You for the children You are knitting together in their wombs, and we pray for Your hand of protection over them. Strengthen these mothers with peace, endurance, and joy, knowing that You are sovereign over all. Guard them from fear or anxiety and grant them health and well-being in body and spirit. May they trust in You completely, resting in the knowledge that You are their faithful provider.
Lord, we ask that these children would be born healthy and strong, destined for Your glory. Prepare their hearts even now, that they might one day know and love You. Help their fathers to stand firm as faithful leaders, protecting and nurturing their families with wisdom and love. We commit these families into Your care, asking that You would be glorified in each of their lives. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.

Prayer for Christ Church Columbus:
Gracious God, we lift up Pastor Andy Halsey, Joe Helt, and the congregation of Christ Church Columbus as they labor to plant this church in Your name. Grant them wisdom, holy zeal, and unwavering strength as they lead with faithfulness and joy. Keep their eyes fixed on Christ, guarding them from temptation, discouragement, and discontentment. May they be steadfast in their calling, trusting in Your promises, and strengthened by Your Spirit in every trial they face.
Father, we pray for the families and children of the church, that You would grow them in grace and knowledge of Your Son. Equip the men training to become elders with the courage and faithfulness needed to shepherd the flock according to Your will. May this church plant bear much fruit for Your kingdom, bringing glory to Your name. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Prayer for Sovereign King Academy:
Lord of wisdom and knowledge, we thank You for the work You are doing through Sovereign King Academy. We lift up Pastor Greg and all the teachers and students as they prepare for the start of this school year. Grant them focus, discipline, and a desire to learn for the glory of Your name. Bless the teachers with patience, wisdom, and clarity as they instruct, and may the students’ minds grow in strength and understanding for Your purposes.
We also pray for the parents, that they would continue the hard but noble work of raising their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Help them to be diligent and faithful in overseeing their children's education, never losing sight of the high calling You have placed on their lives. We entrust this school to You, O God, asking that Your truth and Your Word be central in all they do. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer for Jeffersonville City Council Scott Hawkins:
Almighty God, we bring before You Councilmember Scott Hawkins, asking that You would grant him wisdom and godliness as he serves in his position of authority. Reveal to him the gravity of his sin and the immense grace found in Christ. Lead him to a deep repentance, that he may turn to You and be saved, knowing that his only hope lies in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Father, guide him to make decisions that honor Your law and seek the good of the people under his care. May Your Spirit convict his heart, so that Jeffersonville might come under the Kingship of Christ through his leadership. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Amen

Church History Spotlight
Augustine of Hippo, Bishop and Theologian
28 August 430

Today, we are going to learn about a man named Augustine, who loved God and became one of the most important Christian teachers in history. Even though Augustine made some big mistakes in his life, God changed him and used him to help others know Jesus better.

Augustine’s Early Life
Augustine was born in North Africa in a town called Tagaste in the year 354. His mother, Monnica, was a Christian and prayed for him constantly. But Augustine was more interested in the world and didn't follow Jesus when he was young. He liked to do whatever made him happy, even if it wasn’t good for him, like chasing after fame and pleasure.
Augustine was very smart, though, and became a great student. He loved to learn, but he didn’t always choose the best things to study. For a while, he followed false teachings called "Manicheeism," which claimed that good and evil were two equal powers battling each other forever. These teachings were very confusing and didn’t bring him peace.

Meeting Bishop Ambrose

Augustine eventually moved to a big city called Milan, where he met a Christian bishop named Ambrose. Ambrose was different from anyone Augustine had ever met. He was wise, smart, and lived out what he taught. Augustine admired him and started listening to Ambrose's sermons. Through Ambrose, Augustine began to see that Christianity wasn’t just for people who were weak but also for people who wanted to know the truth and live wisely.

Augustine’s Conversion

One day, while Augustine was struggling with his own heart—wanting to follow God but feeling trapped in sin—he heard a voice saying, “Pick up and read.” He believed God was speaking to him, so he picked up the Bible and opened to Romans 13:12-14. The verses told him to stop living in sin and to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ.” This changed Augustine's heart, and he finally gave his life to Jesus. He was baptized and became a Christian in the year 387.

Augustine as a Christian Leader
After becoming a Christian, Augustine returned to his home in North Africa. God had big plans for him! He became a priest and later a bishop, which meant he was a leader of a church. Augustine wrote many books and letters to help people understand the Bible better. He helped the Church understand difficult questions, like how God is both Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (the Trinity), and how God helps us become more like Jesus.
One of the most famous books Augustine wrote is called The Confessions. In it, he talks about his life, his mistakes, and how God’s grace saved him. One of his most famous lines is, “Our hearts are restless until they find rest in You, O God.” Augustine knew that nothing in this world could bring peace like knowing Jesus.

Augustine’s Later Life
Augustine continued to serve God and the church for many years. He became a strong defender of the Christian faith, especially when people tried to teach wrong things about God. He died on August 28, 430, but his writings and teachings still help Christians today understand God's truth.

The story of Augustine shows us that even though we may go through times when we make wrong choices, God’s grace can change our hearts. Augustine searched for happiness in the wrong places, but God patiently called him back. Augustine’s life reminds us that God’s truth can bring peace to our restless hearts.

Study Questions for Parents to ask about Augustine’s Story:
  • Why do you think Augustine felt restless and unhappy even though he was very smart and successful?
This question helps children reflect on how only God can bring true peace, no matter how much success or knowledge a person has.

How did God use Augustine’s mistakes to bring him closer to Him?
This helps kids see that God’s grace is powerful, and He can use even our failures to teach us and draw us closer to Him.

Bible Passage:

Romans 13:12-14 (NASB 1995)
"The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave properly as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts."

This is the passage that Augustine read when he heard God calling him to change his life. It reminds us to turn away from sin and to follow Jesus with our whole heart.
Prayer thanking God for Augustine  
Lord God, the light of the minds that know you, the life of the souls that love you, and the strength of the hearts that serve you: Help us, following the example of your servant Augustine of Hippo, so to know you that we may truly love you, and so to love you that we may fully serve you, whom to serve is perfect freedom; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Announcements for the 09/01/2024- 09/07/2024

Recommended Clip:  The Warrior Poet Society has a helpful video entitled “Hustle Culture Will Destroy Your Life.”   In it Pastor John Lovell talks about how men can be tempted to get out of balance in their lives with their time and energy.  We want to be men who work hard and yet are knocking it out of the park not only in our work lives but with family and church.

Podcast: Check out the latest episode of the Patriarchy Podcast.  Https://
 The latest episode is entitled “What’s Your Excuse: Health Edition.”  In it, I interview Anthony Diehl, a fitness coach and one of the speakers at our upcoming Patriarchy Conference.  We walk through the various excuses that we have for why we don’t take care of our bodies through good diet and exercise.    Upcoming episodes will also deal with excuses we have for not being disciplined spiritually and on why men don’t lead their homes like they should.

Prayer Concerns:
  • Expectant Mothers We request special prayers for Gabby Fluhr, Emily Leupp, Christina Puryear, and Vivian Tocci
  • Christ Church Columbus Please lift up Pastor Andy Halsey and Joe Helt as they work to plant Christ Church. . Pray that God would grant them wisdom, holy zeal, and the strength to lead with faithfulness and joy. Ask for protection from temptation, discouragement, or discontentment, and that they remain steadfast in their calling. Remember the families and children of the church, and pray for their spiritual growth and well-being. As a church plant, they are actively training up elders; pray that the men in training would be found faithful and equipped to shepherd the flock according to God's will.
  • Sovereign King Academy  Pastor Greg has been working night and day to get all the details in place so that we can start.  All the kids are excited to get started. Funds have been raised.  The facility has been remodeled.  It is almost upon us. School starts this week.  We are excited about what God is doing.  Please pray for both teachers and students as they start.  Pray that they will be able to get into the routine and begin working hard in growing their minds stronger for the glory of God. Pray for the parents who will be overseeing their children’s education that they will continue the hard work of raising their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
  • Jeffersonville City Council Scott Hawkins The Holy Spirit, through the Apostle Paul, urges us to lift up those in authority in prayer. Let us pray for Councilmember Scott Hawkins, that he would be given the wisdom and godliness needed to uphold God's law and seek the submission of Jeffersonville to the Kingship of Christ. May the Lord reveal to him the gravity of his sin and the boundless mercy found in Christ's love for sinners. Pray that he would be gripped by a holy fear of God, leading him to cling to the gospel as his only hope. And may God, in His grace, guide him to make decisions that are rooted in God's good and righteous commands.
Growing Kids God’s Way  Growing Kids this coming Sunday.  We are coming down to the wire.  Not many classes left.
Nursery Children (1-3 years old) may go to nursery after the doxology.  
Men and Boys Camping Trip September 6-7  at Deam Lake
Nursing Home Ministry September 9 Maple Mannor
Farmers Market Outreach September 14
Ladies Bible Study Restarts Ladies Bible Study is starting back up!  (Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday).  Doors open at 5:30pm for refreshments…. Discussion and study time from 6:00- 8:30 PM September 11th we will launch with ladies fellowship.  Bring a dish to share.  Coffee and water provided.
Ladies Retreat September 27-28 Heavenly Hills Lodge 7580 Rounds Rd  underwood, IN 4177
All Hallows Reformation Feast- October 26  
The Patriarchy Conference- November 8-9 We are hosting a men's conference on November 8-9. The theme is "Become the Best Man Your Wife and Children Have Ever Known." There will be three different speakers giving talks on physical fitness/health, spiritual disciplines, and practical help on leading your family. We will also have Tim Bushong with us to lead us in worship. He is the one who wrote "Hail to Jesus." If you sign up before September 30 and use the code EARLYBIRD, you get $20 off. This is a low-cost conference compared to many others. We'd like to have full participation from the men of Sovereign King. Don't wait to register:
Exercise Group  There have been a small group of men from SK going to the YMCA on M,W,F mornings to exercise and get in shape.  We get there sometime between 5-5:30 AM.   If you would like to join us, we would love to have you.   You can get a free guest pass with one of us to try it out.
For more information and updates, please visit our website
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