September 8-14th Family Worship Guide 2024

The Guide for the Week September 8-14th  2024

Bible Passage for the Week
Proverbs 25:21-28
2 Corinthians 12
1 Samuel 28:3-25
Psalm 142

Verse to Memorize
Acts 17:30-31

Westminster Shorter Catechism
Q. 28. Wherein consisteth Christ’s exaltation?
A. Christ’s exaltation consisteth in his rising again from the dead on the third day, in ascending up into heaven, in sitting at the right hand of God the Father, and in coming to judge the world at the last day.

Who to pray for
Church:  Holy Trinity Reformed Church
                Pastor James Brown  
Ministry:  Daniel Courney Missionary to Nepal
Civil Magistrate: Jeffersonville City Council
                                Jacky Snelling  
Notes for Parents:
Proverbs 25:21-28
Proverbs 25:21-28 Like a city that is broken into and without walls Is a man who has no control over his spirit.
Fox News reported this past week, "Shocking doorbell footage showed a group of heavily-armed Venezuelan migrants trying to break into an apartment in Colorado. The suspected gang members have since overrun the Aurora, Colo., apartment complex, but one former resident says the takeover is 'not an isolated occurrence.'"

This isn’t an anomaly. Almost every week, there's another report of illegal immigrants committing crimes across the United States. This week, yet again, a previously deported illegal immigrant from Honduras was arrested after stabbing a teenage girl at a baseball game in Lowell, Indiana.

Our nation's border has been left wide open, and we’re paying the price. Wave after wave of migrants flood into the country, unchecked. The wall that started under President Trump’s administration remains incomplete, and now we're seeing what happens when a city is broken into and without walls. It brings chaos. It brings destruction.

It would have been unheard of for a city in biblical times to not have a wall. Walls brought safety, security, and with them, prosperity. Walls meant safety, security, and prosperity. The writer of Proverbs knew this well, comparing a man without self-control to a city without walls—foolish, reckless, and doomed.  Likewise, a man without self-control should be unheard of. A man without self-control is a contradiction. To be a man means to master yourself. Control your appetites, your lusts, your desires, your mouth, your emotions, your actions. Self-control isn’t just nice; it’s a weapon. It’s the path to safety and true freedom.
But a man who lacks self-control is a man set up for destruction. He’s like a city with its gates wide open, inviting conquest. If you don’t master yourself, you will be mastered by others. You’ll find yourself a slave to your own desires, chained under a heavy yoke.
If you want freedom, you must control your spirit. And the only way to truly control your spirit is to surrender it to the Holy Spirit. You need the strongest walls, walls no human can build. Mexico won’t pay for them, and you can't build them on your own. You need the power of God. Obey Him, and you’ll find freedom, security, and true prosperity.

2 Corinthians 12
Verse 13 For in what respect were you treated as inferior to the rest of the churches, except that I myself did not become a burden to you? Forgive me this wrong!

When I was in the military, we had a saying when the Drill Sergeant was about to unleash discipline on us: “We’re going to get smoked.” And believe me, when that smoke came, it was brutal. One time, our Drill Sergeant promised he’d work us so hard that the walls would sweat. And you know what? They did. The heat, the humidity, our sweat—everything soaked those walls. It wasn’t just a workout; it was a reckoning. He took us out to the woodshed, brought the hammer down, and gave us a wake-up call we wouldn’t forget.

That’s exactly what the Apostle Paul is doing in this chapter. He’s not pulling punches. He’s not playing nice. He’s laying down the law, using sharp sarcasm and fierce words to rebuke the church at Corinth for their foolishness. They were quick to chase after false teachers, quick to disregard him—the one who gave them the gospel without asking for a dime. Those false teachers? They were in it for the money. But Paul? He was in it for their souls. And here, he’s laying it out, raw and real. He even sarcastically apologizes for not taking their money.

This chapter is thunderous. Anyone who thinks Paul was soft is dead wrong. He even warns them that when he visits, they might not like what’s coming. He’s concerned—no, he’s downright afraid—of what he’ll find. Their sin will humiliate him, cut him deep, and make him mourn.

Paul’s words are tough because his love is tough. His rebuke isn’t born out of pride, but out of deep, gut-wrenching love. But here’s the thing—it’s easy to get indignant with Paul. It’s easy to let pride get in the way, to get angry, to reject his discipline. But the man who’s humble will take that discipline, embrace it, and grow from it.

So, what do we learn from this? Discipline hurts. But a loving father will discipline his children, even if it causes pain, to save them from something far worse. A pastor who truly cares will rebuke, will use sarcasm if necessary, to shake his flock awake.

Brothers and sisters, heed the warning—stay away from false teachers. They don’t care about you. They want your money, your admiration from afar. But they won’t humiliate themselves for you. They won’t weep over your sin.

But your pastor, your elders, your fellow church members—they will. They’ll mourn with you. They’ll discipline you because they love you.

I came to respect the Drill Sergeant who wore us out until the walls sweated. I knew then that he truly cared. It was an honor to shake his hand at the end of basic training and hear him say, “Well done.”

Those who discipline you and are willing to be thought of as fools for it—they love you. Respect them. Love them back.

Psalm 142
Psalm 142:4 Look to the right and see; For there is no one who regards me; There is no escape for me; No one cares for my soul.

Sometimes walking with the Lord feels like a battle fought in isolation. You’re out there, striving to obey Him, and all around, it seems like the wicked are thriving. Whether you’re a father grinding it out in the workplace or a homemaker holding the line at home, the weight can feel crushing. You might start to think you’re the only one who’s trying to do what’s right. And that’s when the enemy strikes hardest. Friends you thought were loyal? They turn on you because your Christian views rub them the wrong way. Your family? They think you’ve lost your mind because you won’t send your kids to public school. It’s easy to feel like you’re standing alone on a battlefield.

But here’s the twist—you’re not the first to feel this way. Godly warriors throughout history have walked this same path. They’ve faced down the sins of others and refused to compromise on God’s truth. Look at David. He knew what it was like to be hunted by those who should have had his back. His own father-in-law wanted him dead.

David wrote a desperate prayer while hiding in a cave, feeling abandoned and crying out to God that no one cared for his soul. No one gave a rip about him.

That’s a dark place to be. But David was there. Elijah was there too, thinking he was the last man standing for God. Yet God showed him he wasn’t alone. And don’t forget, Jesus warned us that the road we’re on is narrow. Few find it. Most people are marching down the broad road to destruction. Our path? It’s less traveled, but it’s the only one that leads to life.
So, what do we do when we’re feeling like David, alone and hunted? We follow his lead—we cry out to the Lord. In faith, David declared, “You are my refuge.” He trusted that God was with him. And when you’ve got God on your side, you’re never outnumbered. God alone is enough.

But here’s the kicker—because David trusted God, he didn’t stay in that dark place. He ended his prayer with confidence, knowing he wouldn’t be alone. He had God, and God would surround him with others. He had the Church. David said, “The righteous will surround me, for You will deal bountifully with me.”

Brothers and sisters, you are not alone. You have Christ. You have His family. You’re surrounded by an army of angels. The saints in heaven are cheering you on. And you have the Church here on earth, the righteous surrounding you, because our Father above cares for your soul.
Example Prayer  for Weekly Prayer Concerns
Heavenly Father, Creator of heaven and earth, we come before You with hearts full of praise for Your mighty works. You spoke, and the world came into being. You sustain all things by Your powerful word, and Your providence guides us every day. We thank You for Your faithfulness, for the beauty of Your creation, and for Your sovereign hand that governs our lives.

Lord, we lift up the families of Sovereign King Church as they seek to honor You through family worship. May You grant them wisdom and perseverance as they lead their homes in the fear of the Lord. Strengthen the fathers to shepherd their families with love and truth, and give the mothers grace and endurance in their vital roles. Let the children grow in the knowledge and love of You, and may Your Word dwell richly in each household.

Father, we pray for the expectant mothers in our church: Gabby Fluhr, Emily Leupp, Christina Puryear, Vivian Tocci, and Danyelle Gehlbach. Protect them and their unborn children, and give them health and strength during this time. We ask that You prepare them for the gift of new life, and that they may trust in Your provision and care.

We lift up Pastor James Brown Jr. of Holy Trinity Reformed Church. Grant him wisdom, holy zeal, and strength to lead with faithfulness and joy. Shield him from temptation, discouragement, and discontentment, and keep him steadfast in his calling. We also pray for his healing, Lord, as he faces prostate cancer. Guide the hands of the doctors, and may the surgery be successful. Comfort him and his wife with Your presence, and give them unwavering faith in Your goodness.

Lord, we also pray for Daniel Courney, Your servant in Nepal. Thank You for his zeal in spreading the gospel and planting churches. Protect him as he preaches in dangerous places, and grant him wisdom to navigate the challenges he faces. Strengthen his wife as she cares for the orphanage and raises their children. May their labor bear much fruit for Your kingdom.

We lift up Councilmember Jacky Snelling of Jeffersonville. We ask that You give him wisdom and godliness to govern according to Your law. Reveal to him the gravity of his sin and the mercy found in Christ. May he be driven to repentance and faith, and may his decisions reflect Your righteous commands.

Lastly, we bring Seth Puryear before You, Lord, as he battles thyroid cancer. We thank You that this cancer is treatable and ask for a successful treatment plan. Comfort Seth and his family with Your peace, and may they trust in Your healing hand.
We commit all these requests to You, Father, knowing that You hear us and will answer according to Your perfect will. We pray all these things in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Church History Spotlight
Cyprian of Carthage, Bishop and Martyr
13 September 258

Introduction: Cyprian of Carthage was a faithful servant of Christ, born around 200 AD in North Africa to pagan parents. His early life was marked by success as a prominent lawyer and teacher. However, around 246 AD, Cyprian experienced a profound conversion to Christianity, and by 248 AD, he was chosen to be the Bishop of Carthage.

Cyprian's time as bishop was filled with challenges, especially during the persecution under Emperor Decius. To preserve his life and continue his ministry, Cyprian went into hiding. Though some criticized him for this, he followed the example of Scripture, knowing there are times when it is wise to flee from danger (Matthew 2:13; 10:23; 24:16).

After the persecution, a significant issue arose concerning how to treat Christians who had denied their faith under pressure. Cyprian believed they should be welcomed back into the Church after a period of repentance, taking a balanced approach between two extreme positions. His leadership helped maintain unity in the Church during a time of division.
Later, during the reign of Emperor Valerian, a severe plague struck Carthage. Cyprian, demonstrating Christ's love, organized medical relief for all, even as the people blamed Christians for the disaster. When persecution arose again, Cyprian did not flee. He was arrested, tried, and ultimately martyred for his faith on September 14, 258.

Cyprian's writings, especially on the unity of the Church, have deeply influenced Christian thought. His works continue to be a source of wisdom for believers today.

Scripture Reading: "Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." — Matthew 5:10 (NASB1995)

Study Questions:

What can we learn from Cyprian's decision to go into hiding during the persecution under Emperor Decius? How does Scripture guide us in such decisions?

How did Cyprian balance justice and mercy in his approach to Christians who had denied their faith under pressure? What can we learn from his example?

Why is the unity of the Church so important, according to Cyprian’s teachings? How can we apply this principle in our own family and church community?

Cyprian organized medical relief during a plague despite being blamed for the disaster. How does this reflect Christ's teaching on loving our neighbors?

Cyprian chose not to flee during the second persecution and was martyred for his faith. What does this teach us about the cost of discipleship and standing firm in our faith?

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank You for the life and testimony of Cyprian of Carthage. Help us to stand firm in our faith, to seek unity in the Church, and to love our neighbors even in difficult times. Strengthen us to follow You with courage and conviction, just as Cyprian did. In Jesus' name, Amen.

*Announcements for the 09/01/2024- 09/07/2024*
*Recommended Article:*  John Piper wrote the following article as a letter to his sons and an encouragement to the church to retain the principle of tithing.  In it he gives seven biblical reasons to tithe.  That means to give 10% of your income to the work of Christ.
*Podcast:* Check out the latest episode of the Patriarchy Podcast.  Https://
 The latest episode is entitled “What’s Your Excuse: Health Edition.”  In it, I interview Anthony Diehl, a fitness coach and one of the speakers at our upcoming Patriarchy Conference.  We walk through the various excuses that we have for why we don’t take care of our bodies through good diet and exercise.    Upcoming episodes will also deal with excuses we have for not being disciplined spiritually and on why men don’t lead their homes like they should.
*Prayer Concerns:*
  • _Expectant Mothers:_ We request special prayers for Gabby Fluhr, Emily Leupp, Christina Puryear, Vivian Tocci, and Danyelle Gehlbach
  • _Holy Trinity Reformed Church:_  Please lift up Pastor James Brown Jr of Holy Trinity Reformed Church . Pray that God would grant him wisdom, holy zeal, and the strength to lead with faithfulness and joy. Ask for protection from temptation, discouragement, or discontentment, and that he remain steadfast in their calling. Remember the families and children of the church, and pray for their spiritual growth and well-being.  Recently, Pastor Brown has been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. It is at an early stage and the doctors are hopeful that surgery will remove the cancer and that will be the end of the problem.  Please pray for healing and comfort for James Brown.  Pray for his wife to have faith and comfort in Christ during this time. 
  • _Daniel Courney:_ Daniel Courney is a missionary to Nepal.  He has planted several churches and also runs an orphanage.  In addition, Daniel preaches in the streets and villages throughout Nepal, often at great danger to himself.  Pray for both zeal and wisdom.  Pray that God will protect him and use him to proclaim the gospel so that many may be saved.   Pray for his wife to have strength and energy for the work of the orphanage along with raising their own children.   
  • _Jeffersonville City Council Jacky Snelling:_ The Holy Spirit, through the Apostle Paul, urges us to lift up those in authority in prayer. Let us pray for Councilmember Jacky Snelling, that he would be given the wisdom and godliness needed to uphold God's law and seek the submission of Jeffersonville to the Kingship of Christ. May the Lord reveal to him the gravity of his sin and the boundless mercy found in Christ's love for sinners. Pray that he would be gripped by a holy fear of God, leading him to cling to the gospel as his only hope. And may God, in His grace, guide him to make decisions that are rooted in God's good and righteous commands.
  • _Special Prayer:_  Please pray for Seth Puryear who has been diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer.  He has an appointment soon to set the proper treatment. Thankfully, this type of cancer is treatable and has almost 100% survivor rate after surgery.

_Growing Kids God’s Way_  Growing Kids this coming Sunday.  We are coming down to the wire.  Not many classes left.
_Nursery_ Children (1-3 years old) may go to nursery after the doxology.  
_Nursing Home Ministry_ September 9 Maple Mannor
_Farmers Market Outreach_ September 14
_King’s Men and Daughters of the King_ September 18
_Ladies Bible Study Restarts_ Ladies Bible Study is starting back up!  (Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday).  Doors open at 5:30pm for refreshments…. Discussion and study time from 6:00- 8:30 PM September 11th we will launch with ladies fellowship.  Bring a dish to share.  Coffee and water provided.
_Ladies Retreat_ September 27-28 Heavenly Hills Lodge 7580 Rounds Rd  underwood, IN 4177
_All Hallows Reformation Feast_ October 26  
_The Patriarchy Conference_ November 8-9 We are hosting a men's conference on November 8-9. The theme is "Become the Best Man Your Wife and Children Have Ever Known." There will be three different speakers giving talks on physical fitness/health, spiritual disciplines, and practical help on leading your family. We will also have Tim Bushong with us to lead us in worship. He is the one who wrote "Hail to Jesus." If you sign up before September 30 and use the code EARLYBIRD, you get $20 off. This is a low-cost conference compared to many others. We'd like to have full participation from the men of Sovereign King. Don't wait to register:
_Exercise Group_  There have been a small group of men from SK going to the YMCA on M,W,F mornings to exercise and get in shape.  We get there sometime between 5-5:30 AM.   If you would like to join us, we would love to have you.   You can get a free guest pass with one of us to try it out.
For more information and updates, please visit our website
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