October 20-26th Family Worship Guide 2024

The Guide for the Week October 20-26th 2024

Bible Passage for the Week
Proverbs 27:21-27
Ephesians 6
Acts 3:17-26
Psalm 148

Verse to Memorize
Romans 8:29-30

Westminster Shorter Catechism
Q. 34: What is adoption?
A. Adoption is an act of God’s free grace whereby we are received into the number, and have a right to all the privileges, of the sons of God.

Who to pray for
Church:  Clearnote Church
                 Pastor David Abu-Sara
Ministry:  Bobby McCreery Street Preacher/Evangelist  
Civil Magistrate: Indiana State Senate
Notes for Parents:
There will be no notes this week.  They will return next week.  

Example Prayer  for Weekly Prayer Concerns

Almighty God, we come before You with reverence and awe, exalting You as the Creator and Sovereign King over all. You alone are holy, majestic in power, and infinite in wisdom. You hold all things together by the word of Your power, and nothing escapes Your sight. We confess our sins before You, acknowledging that we have fallen short of Your perfect standard. We have loved the world more than You, neglected Your Word, and often failed to live as Your redeemed people. Forgive us, O Lord, for our sins. Thank You for the grace You have shown us in Christ Jesus, who bore our iniquities and washed us clean with His precious blood. We thank You that Your mercy is greater than our sin and that in Christ we find life, peace, and unshakable hope.

Father, we lift up the expectant mothers in our midst: Gabby Fluhr, Emily Leupp, Christina Puryear, Vivian Tocci, Danyelle Gehlbach, and Caitlin Govanus. We pray Your hand would be upon them and their unborn children. Grant them health, strength, and the peace that comes from resting in Your sovereign care. May their households be places of faith, with children who grow to know, love, and serve You.

We also pray for Clearnote Church and Pastor David Abu-Sara in Indianapolis. Grant Pastor Abu-Sara wisdom and courage to lead with steadfast faithfulness, guarding the flock from error and teaching them to love Your truth. Strengthen him to stand firm against temptation and discouragement, holding fast to his calling. Bless their work of discipling families and leading worship that honors You. May Clearnote Church be a shining light in Indianapolis, drawing many to Your Kingdom and fulfilling the Great Commission in that city.

Lord, we remember Bobby McCreery as he preaches the gospel boldly in the streets of London and Scotland. Empower him with Your Spirit to declare Your truth with conviction and love. Keep his heart fixed on You, and protect him from all spiritual attack. Be with his wife and children back home, comforting and sustaining them during this time. Let Bobby’s work bear fruit that brings many to repentance and faith in Christ.

We also lift up the Indiana State Senate. Your Word commands us to pray for those in authority, and we ask that You would grant wisdom and discernment to these leaders. May they submit to Your righteous rule and recognize Christ as Lord over all. Convict them of sin, leading them to repentance and faith. Help them govern with integrity and justice, seeking the welfare of Indiana in ways that glorify You. As elections approach, we pray that You would raise up men of good character and faith who will rule with justice and truth.

Finally, we ask that Your gospel would advance with power. May every nation and ruler bow before Jesus Christ, confessing Him as Lord. Bring the Jewish people back to the fold, that they may embrace the Messiah. Suppress all heresies and errors that deceive Your people, and unite Your church in truth and love. May we be one as You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are one, so that the world may know that You have sent Your Son.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.

Church History Spotlight:
Church History Segment: Geoffrey Chaucer and His Legacy
Geoffrey Chaucer, born around 1340, was a man of many roles: diplomat, customs officer, and administrator, serving under three English kings—Edward III, Richard II, and Henry IV. Yet, he is best remembered not for his official duties but for his literary contributions, especially The Canterbury Tales. In this work, Chaucer depicted a group of pilgrims from all walks of life on a journey to Canterbury Cathedral, sharing stories along the way. These stories delved into profound issues, like marriage, honor, and the often-fickle nature of love.
Chaucer’s work also wrestled with themes of faith, repentance, and the fragility of worldly desires. His Troilus and Criseyde illustrates the tragedy of misplaced hope in earthly love, contrasting it with the lasting security of a life anchored in God. At the end of this poem, Chaucer issues a call for readers to “cast the heart’s countenance in love and fear upwards to God,” exhorting them to seek true love in Christ alone, who died for sinners and offers eternal life to those who trust in Him.
Key Verse:
“Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth” (Colossians 3:2, NASB1995).

Chaucer’s writings remind you that all earthly things, even the beautiful and noble, will ultimately fade. You should not place your ultimate hope in relationships, status, or personal achievements, which are as fleeting as the morning mist. Instead, pursue Christ as your highest good, grounding your love, service, and joy in Him, who alone is faithful and unchanging. Set your mind on heavenly things, seeking first His Kingdom and righteousness in every part of your life. Only in Christ will you find the lasting security and fulfillment that this world can never offer.

Prayer of thanksgiving for Chaucer:  O God, who have enlightened your church by the writings of your servant Geoffrey Chaucer: Enrich us evermore with your heavenly grace, and raise up faithful witnesses who by their life and teaching will show to others the truth of your salvation; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and ever.
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