January 7-13th Family Worship Guide 2024

The Guide for the Week 
January 7th -January 13th 2024 AD.
The First Week of Epiphany

Bible Passage for the Week
Proverbs 15:11-20
1 Corinthians 1
Romans 10:9-10
Psalm 106

Verse to Memorize
1 Corinthians 6:20
Catechism Questions

Q. 1. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

Psalm 86:9-10 All nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord, And they shall glorify Your name. For You are great and do wondrous deeds; You alone are God.

1 Corinthians 6:20 For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.
Psalm 144:15 How blessed are the people who are so situated; How blessed are the people whose God is the Lord!
People to Pray for:
Church:  Trinity Reformed Church
                 Pastor Jody Killingsworth
Ministry:  Prayer for the unity of the Church in confessing Christ.
Civil Magistrate: Clark County Circuit Court
                                Judge Nicholas A. Karaffa
Notes for Parents:
Proverbs 15:11-20
Vs 13 A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken.
As Christians, we know that in this life we face troubles. Those who desire to live a righteous life will face persecution. And on top of that, we all at times will walk through the valley of the shadow of death. There will be times when the heart is sad. You will face sickness, the loss of loved ones, stress from jobs, and conflict. It is easy to have your spirit broken.

Yet, though Jesus said that in this world you will have trouble, He also said, “Take heart!” He has overcome the world. We are to guard our hearts with the truth of the word. Jesus, through His death, defeated death. The sting has been removed. Jesus has rescued us from sin. It no longer holds us completely in its power. He has promised us eternal life. He will give us this world and more.

Therefore, in times when we face troubles, we need to remember the promises of God. We need to take joy in God and have our peace in Christ. Proverbs 15:15 says, 'All the days of the afflicted are bad, But a cheerful heart has a continual feast.' We can have a continual feast even during affliction when we fear and trust God.

Whether we have much or we have little, our hearts can be filled with joy.

Now, here is the real 'rubber meets the road' moment:

If Scripture says you are to have joy, if Christ died to give you joy, and if a joyful heart makes a cheerful face, would the people around you say that you have a joyful heart? When you come to church, is your countenance one of joy? Now, there is a way to put on a fake smile and talk in superficial sweetness. Everyone can see that a mile away, and we all know that you do it to keep people at a distance. That sugary sweetness is only an inch deep. I am not talking about this. But, I am reminding you to think about how you allow the joy in your heart to reflect on your face. I am reminding you how Christian joy ought to fill your home. Your children ought to be able to agree with Scripture which says, 'Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and turmoil with it. Better is a dish of vegetables where love is than a fattened ox served with hatred.'

Now, there is some real work for you. You need to fight turmoil and strife in your home. This takes a lot of work. Here is a resource to help you with it: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVnKevypfYjepBP8JsD44e45KGr3irzdt&si=c81TZr-YRtP1AfqF
It is better to be in the house of the Lord than anywhere else. Therefore, let your heart be glad and let your face show it. Sing with me: 'If you are happy and you know it, then your face will truly show it; if you are happy and you know it, praise the Lord.

1 Corinthians 1
"Verse 10: Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment.

The Church at Corinth had many problems. As this letter reveals, they were a mess. They even had a group who were denying the future resurrection of the dead. The Apostle Paul, though, loved the people and the grace that God had shown them; therefore, he wrote this letter to correct the church and bring it back to the truth.

Chief among their problems was division among the people into various factions. This church had had several faithful gospel witnesses, and different people had come to Christ under the teaching of various ministers. Some had been saved through the preaching of Paul. Some had heard the great preacher Apollos and had converted. Some had evidently been with Peter and learned from him.

God uses a variety of faithful ministers to bring His people into the truth. As I think of our church, I know each of us has come to the faith in different ways. Some grew up in the church and heard preaching their whole life. Some watched a YouTube video and God used that to draw them near. Some have really been blessed by the ministry of Apologia Church. Some have grown in their joy through the ministry of Doug Wilson and the Fight Laugh Feast Network. Others have been greatly encouraged by Warhorn Media and Pastor Tim Bayly. Maybe for you, it was John MacArthur and R.C. Sproul.

Whatever the case, we praise God Almighty for using men to proclaim Jesus’ goodness and grace. In His profound wisdom, God chooses flawed humans to declare His glorious gospel, selecting the world's foolish to confound the wise and the weak to manifest His strength.
God's so-called foolishness outstrips man's wisdom, and His weakness surpasses all human might. Jesus on the Cross is a shame to those who think they are much. But it is Jesus who is the power of God. It is through Him that we are saved.

Paul, Apollos, Peter, Jeff Durbin, Doug Wilson, Tim Bayly, John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul, and Joseph Spurgeon are not who saved you. They are but instruments in the hand of God. Therefore, our identity is not in man but in Christ. Jesus is who we are united in. And if we are going to boast in anything, it's not in who we listen to on our iPhone, but in He who died and rose again. Boast in Jesus. Keep your identity in Him.

Don’t divide from your brothers because you wear the flag of Moscow, Idaho, Bloomington, Indiana, or Tempe, Arizona. Rally under Christ's flag. Find unity in Him and grow in the knowledge of Jesus. Prioritize loyalty to Christ and His word.  The ministers and ministries God has used to bless us are not our focal point, nor are they the ultimate standard. Jesus is the Standard. He calls you to commit to the local church, to unite and be faithful there. Heed the shepherds Christ provides as they direct you to this Standard. Let your loyalty be to your flesh and blood brothers.   Don't be quick to divide.  Work through differences.  Fight for the peace and purity of the Church.   Look to Jesus.

Romans 10:9-10 
The prophet Joel prophesied that 'it will come about that whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.' God had shown His displeasure with sin, and He was going to send judgment, but those who cry out to the Lord, God will hear and save them.
The Apostle Paul quotes this prophecy of Joel in verse 13 of Romans 10 as a foundation for what he says in verses 9 and 10. And what does Paul say? That those who confess that Jesus is Lord will be saved. In other words, Paul takes a verse speaking of God Almighty and applies it to Jesus.

There is a lot to unpack here in these two verses. One aspect is that the confession that Jesus is Lord is an acknowledgment of the deity of Christ Jesus. It is an acknowledgment that Jesus is God Almighty in the flesh. In other words, the only way to cry out for help from God is to cry out for help from Jesus. And when we do so, Jesus will save. Now, to acknowledge Jesus as Lord, and therefore God, is also to acknowledge that He has all rights to you. He is Creator, Sustainer, and King.

To be a Christian is to acknowledge that there is a King to whom you pledge allegiance. In Bible times, confessing Jesus as Lord was considered a treasonous act because it went against the claims of pagan rulers and their false gods. For us who dare to proclaim our faith in Christ, we may face persecution and opposition from a hostile world. Yet, we have the hope of eternal life and the unshakeable knowledge that Jesus is building His church, and nothing can stop it. It is even more dangerous, however, for those who do not confess Christ, because Jesus is the Sovereign King. Those who refuse to obey Him and set themselves as rulers over their own lives will answer to Him.

Now, what will move a person to confess with their lips that Jesus is Lord? What will make one call upon the name of the Lord? The Apostle Paul explains that what comes before confessing Christ as King is a change of heart. Because with the heart, a person believes, resulting in righteousness.

A true confession must be preceded by faith. Before one will be willing to speak, they must believe. And this belief isn’t just a mere recitation of facts about Jesus, though it can’t be less than that. One must know something of the resurrection and of Christ’s deity to believe that God raised Him from the dead. One must know the facts of the gospel. Yet, real faith is more than knowing the facts of Christianity. An atheist can recite the facts of Christianity. The person with faith must believe that the facts are true. He must believe that Christ did rise from the dead. Yet this too is not enough for true saving faith. The demons know for certain that Jesus is God and that He did rise from the dead. They even tremble. Yet, they are not saved. True faith is a faith that rests in the truths of the gospel. It believes with all the heart that Jesus did rise from the dead and so will they. And this true faith is what lays hold of the righteousness of Christ. It results in righteousness. God declares the man who believes to be righteous, not because of how good the man is or how good his faith is, but because of the righteousness of Jesus. Believing is the instrument by which a man lays hold of that righteousness. And then, because one is declared righteous and has a heart of faith resting in Jesus, he will cry out and confess Jesus is Lord.

So, do you believe in the promises of God? Do you believe that Jesus is God and that He has risen from the dead? And do you see your need to cry out to Him? Do you believe that when you do, He will save you? Do you believe that you can be freed from your sins by His righteousness? Then cry out to Him. Confess Jesus as Lord.
This confession is what unites us at Sovereign King Church.

Psalm 106
Psalm 106 stands as a pivotal component in a quartet of praise Psalms. This collection, spanning Psalms 104 to 107, summons the faithful to joyful worship, with each Psalm highlighting unique facets of God's worthiness.

Psalm 104 exhorts the faithful to worship God as the Creator and Sustainer. Psalm 105 celebrates God’s unwavering fidelity to His covenant, showcasing His redemptive acts in liberating His people from slavery in Egypt and guiding them to the Promised Land.
 Psalm 106, paralleling 105, again proclaims God’s deservingness of praise and His steadfastness to the covenant. However, the distinction lies in Psalm 106’s focus on the manifold failures of God’s people in upholding the covenant, resulting in divine discipline. This Psalm shows that God remains praiseworthy, for even amid His people’s sin, He honors His covenantal commitments. Despite our sin and failues, God's faithfulness endures. He is loving and gracious enough to discipline His people. He also hears their call, even though they have no right in themselves for Him to do so.

We, as sinners, falter in myriad ways. We transgress God’s commandments in deed, word, and thought. By rights, we merit nothing favorable from God. Yet, His goodness and faithfulness persist; He fulfills His promises.

Therefore, don't let sin keep you from worshiping God as He deserves. The devil wants to tempt you to sin and then use that sin to keep you from God. Flee immorality. Remember, you are redeemed by the Lamb's blood. Don't walk in darkness and act like you can see. Nor should you indulge in self-pity or despair.  God's people ought not to sin. Yet, when we do, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ. Don't grow hard in your sin. Repent. And then, with unbridled joy, worship God for His unwavering faithfulness.  Yes, you, a sinner, come worship God with joy through Jesus Chris, our Lord.

Catechism Questions:
As part of our goal this year to work on grounding ourselves in our confession of faith, the children will be working through the Westminster Shorter Catechism. Each week during the worship gathering, they will be asked to stand in their pew and recite the catechism question. They will also learn three verses that are connected with that question. On the fourth Sunday of the month, they will be invited to come to the front of the sanctuary during the service to review the previous three weeks' questions. It is our hope that this will be a help not only to the children but also to the whole congregation in reviewing the foundations of our Christian faith.
Here is the devotional for the 1st question.

What is the chief end of man? Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.
Isaiah 12:2: 'Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: For the Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; He also has become my salvation.'

Brothers and Sisters, a lot of things come at us in this world. We often feel like we are caught in a whirlwind, being hit from all sides with the debris that is flung up by the dust storm. In the midst of this, it is easy to lose sight of what God created you for. In love, He made us to reflect His glory and, in doing so, to find infinite joy. If you are His children in Christ, then nothing in this life is for your destruction. It is all designed and orchestrated by God to bring you to everlasting happiness found in Him. Whatever you face this week, trust in God and do not be afraid. Isaiah said that God is his strength and song. Trust your cares to Him. He will empower you to stand firm in the storm and even sing a song during it. It is there you will find joy, and God will be glorified.

What can you do this year to grow in glorifying and enjoying God?  
How to Pray for Those we are praying for:
Trinity Reformed Church 
Heavenly Father,
We come before You with hearts united in prayer for our brothers and sisters at Trinity Reformed Church, and their pastor, Jody Killingsworth. Lord, we ask that You pour out Your Holy Spirit upon them, strengthening them in their faith and ministry. Grant them an abundance of wisdom and an unquenchable zeal for Your Word and works.
Bless their congregation with growth, not only in numbers but also in spiritual depth and maturity. May they continue to be a faithful witness of the gospel in Bloomington and far beyond its borders.
We also lift up their current endeavor of constructing a new section of their building. Guide and provide for this project, so that it may be completed according to Your will. May these new classrooms and the future sanctuary be a place where many come to learn of Your truth, grow in faith, and be equipped for Your service.
Lord, may every brick laid and every wall raised in this construction be a testament to Your faithfulness and provision. Let this physical expansion be paralleled by spiritual growth within the congregation. May this space be used for Your glory, as a hub for teaching, fellowship, worship, and outreach.
In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.

Prayer for Unity of the Church in Confessing Christ 
Almighty God, Sovereign over all,
We come before You as one body to seek Your guidance and blessing. You, O Lord, are the architect of Your Church, building it not by human hands but by Your divine will, uniting Your people in Christ Jesus.
We recognize the schemes of the enemy, who seeks to disrupt and divide Your Church. We pray against these attempts, especially those that aim to shift our focus from the solid foundation of our faith. Keep our eyes, hearts, and minds firmly fixed on Jesus Christ, our King and Savior. Let Him be our vision, our guide, and our ultimate goal.
In this year, Lord, we ask for a deepening in our understanding and love of Jesus. May our knowledge not just be of the mind, but also of the heart. Let our love for Him be the driving force in all we do, say, and think.
We pray for unity in our church, a unity rooted in the unshakeable foundations of the faith as revealed in Scripture.  As the Westminster Confession of Faith accurately reflects your word and truth, let us grow in our understanding.  Let this confession not only be in our minds but also be lived out in our actions and interactions.
Strengthen us, O Lord, to be firmly united in our faith, standing together as a testament to Your grace and power. May our unity in Christ be a beacon of hope and a testament to Your love in a wicked world.
We commit our church into Your hands, trusting in Your providence and grace to lead us, mold us, and use us for Your glory.
In the name of Jesus Christ, our King and Redeemer, we pray,

Clark County Circuit Court Judge Nicholas A Karaffa: 
Heavenly Father,
In Your sovereign wisdom, You have appointed those in authority, and we lift up Clark County Circuit Court Judge Nicholas A. Karaffa before Your throne of grace. Lord, guide him in his judgments, that they may reflect Your righteous laws, particularly in upholding the dignity and rights of the unborn, and in defending the weak and vulnerable in our society.

Grant him discernment to distinguish between right and wrong, empowering him to administer justice, so that the wicked may not prevail, and the innocent may be shielded from harm. We pray that his decisions would not only uphold human law but be in harmony with Your divine statutes.
Bless Judge Karaffa with robust health and protect him from all harm. Surround him with Your favor as with a shield, that he may carry out his duties without fear or favor.

Impart to him wisdom that surpasses human understanding, that in every decision he makes, wisdom from above – pure, peaceable, and full of mercy – will be evident. May his judgments serve as a testament to Your wisdom and justice.

Lastly, we pray for Judge Karaffa's salvation. Draw him close to You, Lord. May he come to know You, not just as the Judge of all the earth, but as a loving Father and Savior, through Jesus Christ. May his life and work be a living testimony of Your grace and truth.
In Jesus’ name, we pray.

Church History Spotlight
Hilary of Poitiers, Bishop and Doctor
13 January 367

Hilary of Poitiers (315-367) lived during the great controversy between Athanasius, who taught that the Son is fully God, equally with the Father, and Arius, who denied this.
Hilary is sometimes called "the Athanasius of the West." He was bishop of Poitiers, and when he refused to sign a condemnation of Athanasius, the Arian emperor Constantius (one of the sons of Constantine) banished him to Phrygia in 357. His exile lasted three years, during which time he wrote several essays, including On The Trinity. Finally the Emperor was forced to send him back to Gaul because he was causing such difficulties for the Arians in the East. In 364, he journeyed to Milan, where he engaged in public debate with the Arian bishop Auxentius, and persuaded him of the error of his ways.

Here are a few quotes from his work on the Trinity:
“He conquered death, broke the gates of hell, won for Himself a people to be His co-heirs, lifted fleshed from corruption up to the glory of eternity.”

“He by Whom man was made had nothing to gain by becoming Man; it was our gain that God was incarnate and dwelt among us, making all flesh His home by taking upon Him the flesh of One. We were raised because He was lowered; shame to Him was glory to us. He, being God, made flesh His residence, and we in return are lifted anew from the flesh to God.”

“For He took upon Him the flesh in which we have sinned that by wearing our flesh He might forgive sins; a flesh which He shares with us by wearing it, not by sinning in it. He blotted out through death the sentence of death, that by a new creation of our race in Himself He might sweep away the penalty appointed by the former Law. He let them nail Him to the cross that He might nail to the curse of the cross and abolish all the curses to which the world is condemned.”

A prayer of thanksgiving for Hilary of Poitiers:
Eternal Father, whose servant Hilary steadfastly confessed your Son Jesus Christ to be true God and true man: We beseech you to keep us firmly grounded in this faith; that we may rejoice to behold his face in heaven who humbled himself to bear our form upon earth, even the same your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Announcements for the Week
Prayer Concerns:
  • Expectant Mothers: We request special prayers for Shawn Crone, Brittany McKinney, Chelsea Mix, Rowina Spurgeon, and Maddie Sands.
  • Sickness: With the prevalence of colds, flus, and viruses, remember the importance of hygiene, rest, and cleanliness. If contagious, please stay home, but return to worship as soon as you are able. Avoid letting 'Sunday Morning Sickness' disrupt your worship.  Please read this blog post from elder Aaron Sabie on how to know when or when not to come to church with sicknesses.  https://www.sovereignkingchurch.com/blog/2023/12/28/how-to-deal-with-sickness-on-sunday-morning
  • Trinity Reformed Church: Join in prayer for our brothers and sisters at Trinity Reformed Church and their pastor, Jody Killingsworth. Let us unite in asking the Lord to strengthen them through the Holy Spirit, to endow them with wisdom and zeal for His Word and works. We also pray for their growth, both in number and in spiritual maturity, so they may continue to be a faithful witness to the gospel in Bloomington and beyond. Pray as they work on constructing a section of their building, which will house numerous classrooms and a sanctuary in the future.
  • Prayer for Unity of the Church in Confessing Christ:  The unity of the Church is not created by man but by God. He unites His people as they are in Christ Jesus. There are many ways the devil wants to destroy the church. One way in particular he is keen to use is moving us off the foundation. Pray that we at Sovereign King will keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus Christ, our King. Pray that this year we will grow in our understanding and love of Jesus. Pray that we will become firmly united in the foundations of the faith as revealed in scripture and accurately articulated in the Westminster Confession of Faith.
  • Clark County Circuit Court Judge Nicholas A Karaffa: The Bible instructs us his decisions align with God's laws, especially regarding the dignity and rights of the unborn and the protection of the weak. Pray that the wicked would be punished and the innocent preserved. 
Schedule Updates and Events:
  • Annual Head of Household Meeting: January 14, 2024.  Following the worship on Sunday morning, we will have our annual Church-Wide meeting. At this meeting, we will receive nominations for the office of elder and deacon. We will vote on whether to renew Mark Cox, and Aaron Sabie for another term as elder. Lastly, we will vote on the budget for 2024. Note on nominations: A nomination is not the same thing as election to office. Nominations are sent to the Elders' Board for training and examination before office appointment. Those who are nominated and then trained and examined by the elders may then be able to be elected to office by the congregation. 
  • Nursing Home Visit:  We will move our monthly nursing home vision to the second Monday of the month, January 8th.   This is a great opportunity to minister to both the older generation and to your family.  The elderly love to see our little children.  It brings them such a comfort. 
  • Women’s Bible Study Returns: January 10th marks the return of our Women’s Bible Study for 2024.
  • King’s Men and Daughters of the King: Join us January 17th at Sovereign King Church for The King's Men and the Daughters of the King! This engaging ministry, designed for our young members aged 5 through 12th grade, is a cornerstone of our church's commitment to nurturing the faith and knowledge of our covenant children.  For detailed information on memory work assignments, please visit our dedicated page: Sovereign King Church Student Ministry. https://www.sovereignkingchurch.com/student-ministry
  • Couch Time Challenge:  We will soon be beginning a friendly competition and challenge to help you and your family.  Dates, Terms, and other info regarding the challenge to be released soon.  Do your children know you love each other? Making your marriage a priority benefits your children and helps you to build a happy, secure and stable family. Much of your child’s sense of security comes from them seeing the relationship between you and your spouse functioning smoothly. When they can see that Mom and Dad really do love each other, they can rest in the assurance that the two most important people in their life are there to stay. “When the workday is over, take ten or fifteen minutes to sit on the couch as a couple. Couch time is to take place when the children are awake, not after they go to bed. Couch time provides children with a visual sense of your togetherness. It is one tangible way your child can measure Mom and Dad’s love relationship and have that inner need satisfied. In addition, couch time provides a forum for Mom and Dad’s personal and relational needs to be met.” For those who don't know what couch time is, read about it here: https://angathome.com/2016/04/16/couch-time-and-secure-children/                                     The Sword and the Blog Post: https://sovereignkingchurch.com/blog/2023/12/19/couch-time                                                                                                                                                          Growing Kids God Way Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVnKevypfYjepBP8JsD44e45KGr3irzdt&si=c81TZr-YRtP1AfqF
Additional Resources:
  • Sovereign King Academy: Missed the informational meeting? Watch the recording here: YouTube - Sovereign King Academy Meeting
For more information and updates, please visit our website.
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