Posts with the category “main-blog”

Sexual Abuse Prevention Policy
July 3rd, 2024
Dear church family,  In an effort to maintain a safe environment for our children at Sovereign King Church, the session has adopted the following Sexual Abuse Prevention Policy. Please take time to re...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Announcing our Nursery
June 26th, 2024
we are pleased to announce that on Sunday, July 7, 2024, we will officially launch the Sovereign King Church Nursery Ministry. This ministry is not meant to replace father and mother, is not a substit...  Read More
by Aaron Sabie
Fellowship Meal Instructions
February 28th, 2024
A very special opportunity is coming up!! Palm Sunday Fellowship Meal!!! March 24, 2024 immediately following service. The theme will be Traditional Easter Feast!! An opportunity to love our brother ...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Read This
February 22nd, 2024
One effect social media culture seems to have set in motion is pick-and-choose syndrome’s playing out in real life. Because we can choose not to engage with things on social media that we find unpleas...  Read More
by Jessica Fluhr
Building Good Habits Part 1
January 30th, 2024
our habits, both good and bad, are not just your own; they impact everyone around you. Consider the bad habit of checking out on your children's discipline when you get home from work. For instance, y...  Read More
by Aaron Sabie
How to deal with sickness on Sunday Morning
December 28th, 2023
If you have lived in the Ohio Valley for any length of time, you know that there is not really any one season of the year which a person could point to and say “this is the busiest season of the year ...  Read More
by Aaron Sabie
Couch Time
December 19th, 2023
Something we of the session of SKC have stressed over the years is for husbands and wives to engage in what’s known as “couch time”.Couch time is the practice of a husband and wife gathering together ...  Read More
by Aaron Sabie
Are you a Shepherd?
November 16th, 2023
In Ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 we are told to “Be imitators of God as beloved children.” Imitation is often referred to as the highest form of flattery, as any father knows when he comes into the hous...  Read More
by Aaron Sabie
Training Children for Worship
September 23rd, 2023
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.The above verse teaches us a few important principles.First, parents have a duty to train their c...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Cut out the Bitter Root
August 18th, 2023
Bamboo is often called the fastest growing plant in the world.  I have read that it can grow 4 feet in less than 24 hours. With a moniker like this, you would think that when you plant it, you would b...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Declaration on Children in Worship and the Family Integrated Church Movement
May 30th, 2023
Family integrated church (FIC) has become a movement within contemporary evangelicalism that crosses denominational lines. As with any church reform, disagreements and divisions have arisen among be...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Confessions of a Church: Joy in the Word
February 28th, 2023
The Psalm writer wrote:  Open my eyes, that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law. As we come before a Holy God and hear his word, may we have eyes open to the wonderful and fearful things from ...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Family Integrated Only Church?
January 19th, 2023
There are plenty of other reasons why a father in keeping with his duty to be the primary disciple-maker would see age/sex-segregated ministries as helpful for his family. Family-integrated teaching t...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Is Church Attendance Required?
December 19th, 2022
The following is an essay by Aaron Sabie, an elder at Sovereign King Church. It was written for a class at New Geneva Academy, a pastor's college associated with Evangel Presbtery. I thought it was ...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Ten Arguments For Christmas
December 1st, 2022
Ten Arguments for ChristmasIt's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go… Your heart is all aglow with the yearly tradition of putting up the Christmas tree, affixing the star or ange...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Confessions of a Church: Differing Weights
November 14th, 2022
The Psalm writer wrote:  Open my eyes, that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law. As we come before a Holy God and hear his word, may we have eyes open to the wonderful and fearful things from ...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Confessions of a Church: Scourging
November 7th, 2022
The Psalm writer wrote, "Open my eyes that I might behold Wonderful things from Your Law." As we come before a Holy God to hear his word, may we have eyes open to the wonderful and fearful things from...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Confessions of a Church: Excrement
October 18th, 2022
The Psalm writer wrote:  Open my eyes, that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law. As we come before a Holy God and hear his word, may we have eyes open to the wonderful and fearful things from ...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Confessions of a Church: Emasculated
October 18th, 2022
The Psalm writer wrote:  Open my eyes, that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law. As we come before a Holy God and hear his word, may we have eyes open to the wonderful and fearful things from ...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Confessions of a Church: Purge the Sin
October 4th, 2022
The Psalm writer wrote:  Open my eyes, that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law. As we come before a Holy God and hear his word, may we have eyes open to the wonderful and fearful things from ...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Confessions of a Church: Purge the Sin
October 4th, 2022
The Psalm writer wrote:  Open my eyes, that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law. As we come before a Holy God and hear his word, may we have eyes open to the wonderful and fearful things from ...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Confessions of a Church: Purge the Sin
October 4th, 2022
The Psalm writer wrote:  Open my eyes, that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law. As we come before a Holy God and hear his word, may we have eyes open to the wonderful and fearful things from ...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Confessions of a Church: Rejoice
August 26th, 2022
The Psalm writer wrote: Open my eyes, that I may beholdWonderful things from Your law. As we come before a Holy God and hearhis word, may we have eyes open to the wonderful and fearful things fromhis ...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Confessions of a Church: Tattoos for the Dead
August 24th, 2022
 The Psalm writer wrote: Open my eyes, that I may beholdWonderful things from Your law. As we come before a Holy God and hearhis word, may we have eyes open to the wonderful and fearful things fromhis...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
How To Interpret Revelation 20
August 23rd, 2022
Eschatology means the study of the end things. It includes what life will be like after death, the final judgement, and the events leading up to the final judgement in history. There is a lot of inter...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Confessions of a Church: Tell The Future
August 23rd, 2022
The Psalm writer wrote: Open my eyes, that I may beholdWonderful things from Your law. As we come before a Holy God and hearhis word, may we have eyes open to the wonderful and fearful things fromhis ...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Confessions of a Church: City of Refuge
August 23rd, 2022
 The Psalm writer wrote: Open my eyes, that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law. As we come before a Holy God and hear his word, may we have eyes open to the wonderful and fearful things from ...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Confessions of a Church: Priests
August 9th, 2022
Deuteronomy 18:1-8 New American Standard Bible 1995“The Levitical priests, the whole tribe of Levi, shall have no portion or inheritance with Israel; they shall eat the Lord’s offerings by fire and Hi...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Parenting on Sundays
August 5th, 2022
Sure, there are many tools for parenting to be found on the belts of faithful Christian parents, but not all tools brings about the desired end result of parenting, which is, a child who loves the Lor...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Church Membership Expectations
August 4th, 2022
We live in a time when people change churches like they change t-shirts. Churches often expect little of their members and members respond in kind. But Church membership has its privileges and respo...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Be a Member of a Church!
August 4th, 2022
Being a part of a local church is of primary importance for the growth and health of a Christian. A Christian who is not a part of the church is an oxymoron. As one wise church father said, "you can'...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Sovereign King Church Committments While Growing
August 3rd, 2022
The Lord is blessing Sovereign King Church with growth and we thank God for this growth. It is important, though, in times of growth to remind ourselves of our commitments as a church so that we do no...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Confessions of a Church: Authority and Responsibility
August 3rd, 2022
The principle that authority should be limited and that no one is above the law is found in this passage. Ben Franklin didn’t come up with it. Thomas Jefferson didn’t write Deuteronomy. God’s Word tea...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Confessions of a Church:Justice and Gossip
July 28th, 2022
Deuteronomy 17:1-7 New American Standard Bible 1995 1 “You shall not sacrifice to the Lord your God an ox or a sheep which has a blemish or any defect, for that is a detestable thing to the Lord your ...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Confessions of a Church: Idolatry
July 19th, 2022
When we read the Old Testament’s warnings against idolatry, it’s important for us to apply the passage to ourselves, in our own context, to “keep it real....  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Five Memories for the Lord's Day
July 13th, 2022
A gospel memory ,however, not only needs to remember, it needs to forget as well. It forgets sins that have been repented. It forgets the offenses of others. It forgets past hurts. Rather it remembers...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
How to Lead Your Wife Through Changes
July 13th, 2022
So you have been studying the word of God and you realize that there are some changes that need to be made in the way you and your household do things. Perhaps you need to start implementing family w...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Doubting Towards Jesus
July 7th, 2022
During suffering, we are tempted to doubt. Even the best have doubts. They struggle to let go of past sin, to forgive others and to hold fast when hard times hit. Even the disciples who saw Jesus do m...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Letter to Govenor Holcomb
July 6th, 2022
This is a copy of a letter sent from elders of Sovereign King Church to Governor Holcomb calling upon him to work with the State Legislature to end abortion in Indiana. ...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon
Answering Those Who Say the Bible Supports Abortion
July 6th, 2022
I have seen this comment copied and pasted by a ton of proabortion advocates saying that the Bible supposedly is for abortion. Just like the homosexuals do, once again those who hate God still want ...  Read More
by Joseph Spurgeon